1 (edited by kosa351 2007-12-20 02:06)

Topic: Php-Fusion to punBB (passwords isn't works)

I have problem. I Used PunBB Migration Tool 1.4.0, covnerted fusion base to punBB. All is (subjects, users, posts), , but can not log in on old password. I check in phpMyAdmin tables fusion and punbb responsibl for password and they are the same. Example: table fusion_users: e9bb0f4dcc415b1f360045b5c5ab6062 // table punbb_users: e9bb0f4dcc415b1f360045b5c5ab6062.
My fusion version newset - v6.01.13
My punbb version - 1.2.16
Where is problem?

2 (edited by kosa351 2007-12-20 09:26)

Re: Php-Fusion to punBB (passwords isn't works)

I know where is problem. Updated versions PHP-Fusion (from 6.01.12) have double md5 hashing of passwords and therefore the punBB course book isn't accepting these passwords. Necessary actualization is PunBB Migration Tool.

3 (edited by Dr.Jeckyl 2007-12-20 19:54)

Re: Php-Fusion to punBB (passwords isn't works)

Just have you users request new passwords and should be fine. It's very common for converters to not be able to convert passwords.

FluxBB - Less is more

Re: Php-Fusion to punBB (passwords isn't works)

I so just proceeded smile