1 (edited by qubertman 2008-03-29 17:04)

Topic: Email permission

Rev #1575. Is the email permission applicable for Guests group?

Also, when email permission is disabled, then Profile > Settings > E-mail Settings should not be displayed???

Re: Email permission

Yes, since the email sending permission also forbids users from seeing email addresses that people included in their profiles and made public.
No, since other people can still email you even when you can't email them.
(in that order)

Re: Email permission

Smartys wrote:

Yes, since the email sending permission also forbids users from seeing email addresses that people included in their profiles and made public.

But Guests never see members' email addresses. Thus, Users > Groups > Guest > Edit > "Allow users to send e-mails to other users." is not applicable and should not be an option.

Re: Email permission

Mmm, looking at the changeset, it appears you're right. smile