Topic: Any way to make some/all topics only viewable by registered users?

I am new here, just installed yesterday and trying to get things up and running. 
For privacy reasons, I would like to keep the forum closed unless a user registers and logs in.

Is there a way to make some or all of the topics invisible to guests?
I have been playing with the settings and can't find it.



Re: Any way to make some/all topics only viewable by registered users?

I have the same question, but I just want to forbid them to post new posts or new topics (I allow them to watch the forum).

Thank you very much

Re: Any way to make some/all topics only viewable by registered users?

meggie wrote:

I am new here, just installed yesterday and trying to get things up and running. 
For privacy reasons, I would like to keep the forum closed unless a user registers and logs in.

Is there a way to make some or all of the topics invisible to guests?
I have been playing with the settings and can't find it.


You cannot make individual topics hidden, you would have to put the topics you dont want guests to see, in another forum and only allow people you want to see the topic access.

Eretz wrote:

I have the same question, but I just want to forbid them to post new posts or new topics (I allow them to watch the forum).

Thank you very much

Yes you can do this. Look in the forum permissions and you can allow/disable guest posting.

Sorry. Unactive due to personal life.