Topic: Problems wit the "search" funktion

Hello erverbody,

I yesterday installed the forum 1.3.3.on the server

it works up to an error well.

In the file search.php is a problem.

the function "search" doesn´t work all over the forum.

the site adress is

can somebody help that the following massage isn´t going again ??!


Notice: Undefined index: Search in in /homepages/10/d227553377/htdocs/chili/forum_2/search.php on line 499


i hope that is ther somebody how is able to help me, because i am a greenhorn in sql and php.

and when i read this bad english (grammar) i fell as a greenhorn as well.


Frank Martin aka Sonixmatrixer

Re: Problems wit the "search" funktion

It's because of the language pack. It's designed for earlier versions, not 1.3.3 (see 1.3.3 release notes). Obviously the following items are missed in your lang/.../search.php file:

'Search in'                  =>    'Search in',
'Message and subject'        =>    'Message text and topic subject',
'Message only'               =>    'Message text only',
'Topic only'                 =>    'Topic subject only',

You can translate and add them by yourself.

Re: Problems wit the "search" funktion


thx for helping prompt.

now everthing is fine.

i canged all fills in the lang folder in german folder

with the rigt version of the extension set.

now it runs optimal.

to modify the search.php was to complikatet - for me :-(



Re: Problems wit the "search" funktion

Ok, if you need help - feel free to ask.