Topic: Editing nav-links

I am trying to change the existing navlinks, I could easily take it out from the TPL file but than I lose the php functions such as guest view and admin menu link. I have looked in functions.php and can takeout any link there but the Index link when I remove it from functions.php it appears at the end of the line after Administration. I am using the Portal by Daris as well, but I cant find it interfering with the navlinks. I am not sure where to go from here any help would be much appreciated.

Re: Editing nav-links

Remember: /?forum  is the link you can't change to an image (or are having trouble with)  - all the default links are pointing to a .php file. Portal and also private messages for example don't link to a php file the way the others do....

Re: Editing nav-links

Im not trying to add an image to the forums I can do that just fine. I am trying to take out the index link. Which leads to the portal page. I can remove it from functions.php but than it appears after administration link. Cause with the Index link gone I can add in my own using an image.

Re: Editing nav-links

you in other thread wrote:

So I am trying to change my navlinks to images, but I cant seem to find what peice of code makes the "Forums" link for the Portal by Daris. I looked all over in the manifest.xml. I can find the regular ones in includes/functions.php but when I take away the index it moves it to the very end after AdministratorCP link. I am very confused and was wondering if I could get some help? I will put all of my links uptop using the addlinks part of settings in the admin cp.

I misunderstood the above question you posted in other thread then...

Re: Editing nav-links

Sorry I havent been using computers in a while. My typing is horrid, I didnt mean to come across as snotty if i did. I just cant seem to get rid of that index link, it always moves to the end of the set of links.

Re: Editing nav-links

Figured it out. You have to edit the manifest.xml before you do the installation. There still should be a way to change it before but I cant figure it out for the life of me. I was able to change the Forums image as well.

Re: Editing nav-links

Ok cool. No worries big_smile