1 (edited by bajdec 2010-09-01 17:24)

Topic: Portal and forum

Hello everyone!

First, sory for my bad English but i come from Slovenia and I'm 14 years old.

I've got my own-programmed portal. I have no idea how can I connect my portal with PunBB 1,3. I show cookie from punbb on website, but it shows only decoded text. Does anybody have any idea how to connect portal with PunBB?



Re: Portal and forum


check this Wiki page (you can find there how to programme logging form and some other useful things).

For handling cookies I suggest study function cookie_login in ./include/functions.php or actually better way would IMO be to include ./include/common.php to your files so you can use all PunBB functions (including the cookie_login, so you have all info about user in $forum_user).

BTW, cg for that smile

bajdec wrote:

I'm 14 years old.
I've got my own-programmed porta

Eraversum - scifi browser-based online webgame

Re: Portal and forum

@Grez, thank you smile
I programming in PHP & MySQL, HTML & CSS.

My portal is about Linux, but it's in Slovenian language. I have installed Slovenian language on PunBB and it's work as it should. Link to website

Thank you again.