Topic: SQLite support
I saw that Kennel chose not to include SQLite support into 1.0.2 so..
May not be the best code but it works good.
Btw. I've been busy but i think PunBB Resource is getting online before 2004
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PunBB Forums → PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations → SQLite support
I saw that Kennel chose not to include SQLite support into 1.0.2 so..
May not be the best code but it works good.
Btw. I've been busy but i think PunBB Resource is getting online before 2004
Now I don't have to download MySQL (20megs) with this sucky modem!
Hello again, I have a problem:
When I get the result from a query is "saves" the names. In the example below there shouldn't be any "f." or "c." before the names. There must be a way to change this, but where?
[cid] => 1
[c.cat_name] => Test category
[fid] => 1
[f.forum_name] => Test forum
[f.forum_desc] => This is just a test forum
[f.moderators] =>
[f.num_topics] => 1
[f.num_posts] => 1
[f.last_post] => 1072109909
[f.last_post_id] => 1
[f.last_poster] => chacmool
[f.closed] => 0
One way I can think of is that if you add f.forum_name as forum_name in the SQL query.
Bug found:
function insert_id()
should look like this:
function insert_id()
return sqlite_last_insert_rowid($this->link_id);
Cactuz wrote:
One way I can think of is that if you add f.forum_name as forum_name in the SQL query.
Ok, but... you don't have it like this then? It's ALOT of work to change every qury in PunBB.
Nope.. But I don't seem to have that problem.. What php/sqlite version so you have?
I've seen some other people with the same problem, but with no good answers...
PHP Version 5.0.0b3
SQLite Library 2.8.3
I'm using b2 right now. But I'll update later today I think
what is ip of download's DNS ?
PunBB Forums → PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations → SQLite support
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