1 (edited by Cactuz 2003-12-21 18:27)

Topic: SQLite support

I saw that Kennel chose not to include SQLite support into 1.0.2 so..

SQLite support

May not be the best code but it works good.

Btw. I've been busy but i think PunBB Resource is getting online before 2004 smile

2 (edited by chacmool 2003-12-22 14:26)

Re: SQLite support


Now I don't have to download MySQL (20megs) with this sucky modem!

Re: SQLite support

Hello again, I have a problem:

When I get the result from a query is "saves" the names. In the example below there shouldn't be any "f." or "c." before the names. There must be a way to change this, but where?

    [cid] => 1
    [c.cat_name] => Test category
    [fid] => 1
    [f.forum_name] => Test forum
    [f.forum_desc] => This is just a test forum
    [f.moderators] =>
    [f.num_topics] => 1
    [f.num_posts] => 1
    [f.last_post] => 1072109909
    [f.last_post_id] => 1
    [f.last_poster] => chacmool
    [f.closed] => 0

Re: SQLite support

One way I can think of is that if you add f.forum_name as forum_name in the SQL query.

Re: SQLite support

Bug found:

    function insert_id()

should look like this:

    function insert_id()
        return sqlite_last_insert_rowid($this->link_id);

Re: SQLite support

Cactuz wrote:

One way I can think of is that if you add f.forum_name as forum_name in the SQL query.

Ok, but... you don't have it like this then? It's ALOT of work to change every qury in PunBB.

7 (edited by Cactuz 2003-12-23 10:19)

Re: SQLite support

Nope.. But I don't seem to have that problem.. What php/sqlite version so you have?

Re: SQLite support

I've seen some other people with the same problem, but with no good answers...

PHP Version 5.0.0b3
SQLite Library 2.8.3

Re: SQLite support

I'm using b2 right now. But I'll update later today I think


Re: SQLite support

what is ip of download's DNS ?