Topic: Manteinance mode

I just saw in some other forums I'm a user of that when turning on maintenance mode there's a field for admin login (admin only). Looks more elegant than providing a script in case you log out accidentally with maintenance mode on. It woulnd't hurt and looks (methinks) easy to implement.

Just an idea for a distant future :).

Re: Manteinance mode

Hm, true.

It could be visible only to the ones at the same IP-number as the admin used recently...

Re: Manteinance mode

Well, that's a little bit more complicated :).

Re: Manteinance mode

Then again, how often do you put the forums into maintenance mode and how often do you, once you've done that, forget that you aren't supposed to log out and in that case, how hard is it to copy the "turn off-script" from the scripts directory and run it? :-)

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."