1 (edited by dhdesign 2004-04-29 13:43)

Topic: PunPoll

I have installed the PunPoll mod to the forum I'm setting up.  The installation went just fine, and I have been testing this feature.  I have run across an issue which hasn't been addressed here from what I can find when I've searched this forum.

When a user opens a post with a poll in it and clicks "Don't Vote" first (I changed that to read "View Results"), the poll results show up.  However, when they go back to the post and try to vote after doing that, there is no option to do that anymore - clicking on "Don't Vote" first somehow is registering in the database that they have already voted, when it should come up as a 'non-vote', and still allow them to vote in the poll.

Have tried logging out and back in again, and no dice - the forum still thinks that the user has already put in a legitimate vote rather than recognizing that it was a 'non-vote'.

I opened up phpMyAdmin and checked the database - it is showing that the user has already voted, when all they did was view the results (2 votes and only 1 vote).  Here is the listing of the results from the polls table in the database:

id: 4      
topic_id: 7
question: Now?
answers: a:3:{i:0;s:4:"Yep!";i:1;s:5:"Nope!";i:2;s:4:"Huh?"...
voters: ,3,2,
votes: 0|0|1
tot_votes: 1
type: 0

I also checked the stats in the Admin panel, and it is showing both users have voted in that poll, but only 1 vote was registered.

Any idea on what is going wrong, and how to fix it?

Re: PunPoll

The mod is made to do just that. "Don't Vote" means that you put a blank vote, and therefore you can't vote. It's not intended to be a "View results"-button, but I don't think there's any problem to change it so it fits your needs.