Topic: New Post Indicators

Yeah, this is the 3rd dumb thread in as many days, but I swear I'll stop soon.  K.

I use the same new post indicator image for all skins, but, as you might guess, that requires having the same image re-named umpteen times.  Is there any way to make it so that all skins accept one single image and be done with it?

If I've not made myself clear, I can fix that.


Re: New Post Indicators

What you need to do is find this line is index.php and viewforum.php

$icon = '<img src="img/'.$cur_user['style'].'_new.png" width="16" height="16" alt="">';

I think its around line 91 in index.php and line 168 in viewforum.php depending on your version. Just comment out the existing line and substitute the same code but with the name of your universal icon e.g.

$icon = '<img src="my_new.png" width="16" height="16" alt="">';

I will try to come up with a better idea which doesn't involve hacking around with the code.