Topic: Unable to fetch forum config?

An error was encountered
Error: Unable to fetch forum config.

i have gotten this error repeadetly and just have to wait untill it goes away. does anyone know whats causing this and how to fix it?

$theQuestion = (2*b) || !(2*b);

Re: Unable to fetch forum config?

Maybe your pass is wrong, because when you install the pass which is be given in the text-box is ****** or something like that, but in the config.php file the password must be correct.

Re: Unable to fetch forum config?

no, in the install i remember it did not show it as stars and it is the write pass and i can access it most of the time. the password is right in config.php (triple checked). but it has happened twice today. im starting to think its my mysql hoster, beacause  the dtatbase is on a different site then the forum.

$theQuestion = (2*b) || !(2*b);

Re: Unable to fetch forum config?

make that three times sad

$theQuestion = (2*b) || !(2*b);

Re: Unable to fetch forum config?

So, it's only happens sometimes? (not all the time)

Feels like it's not PunBB's fault then...

6 (edited by Gary13579 2004-08-18 20:16)

Re: Unable to fetch forum config?

its ethier PunBB, the php hoster (which isnt the best) or the mysql hoster.

btw, im using this for the database.

edit: heres the forums

$theQuestion = (2*b) || !(2*b);

Re: Unable to fetch forum config?

FreeSQL does not host any databases for phpBB, phpNuke, YABB, vBulletin or any other database intended to drive a prepackaged web based BBS

From their "Usage Policies"

Perhaps you should try not to use persistent connections?
(set in config.php IIRC)

but at the look of it running a "prepackaged web based BBS" won't survive there anyhow ... even though PunBB is very small, it's still a BBS wink

Re: Unable to fetch forum config?

well, thnaks. who ever reads that stuff wink

ill leave it on there, see what happens. other wise i can only use it for the game part of it and not the forum part, which would suck.

$theQuestion = (2*b) || !(2*b);