Topic: Censoring

Why not either block off access to Censoring or put a warning message up if the option is disabled? Because mods have no way to tell if censoring is on or off without talking to an admin when they enter words, since they can't check Options.

Re: Censoring

what if censoring was made like BBcode etc when posting so it could be forced on by admin or turned on in user profile and there was a thing saing censoring: on <<<< over there

that would fix your problem and is another suggestion

3 (edited by Gizzmo 2004-08-26 21:48)

Re: Censoring

so your sayin let the user chooser if s/he wants to have the bad words cencord or not?
and let the admin choose if s/he wants that to be able to happen or not

Re: Censoring

I figured the bold text "Censor words must be enabled in Options for this to have any effect." would do the trick, but maybe you're right.

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."

Re: Censoring

Gizzmo wrote:

so your sayin let the user chooser if s/he wants to have the bad words cencord or not?
and let the admin choose if s/he wants that to be able to happen or not

maybe have 4 options for the admin,
full off (users cannot turn on)
default on (users can turn off but defaults to on)
default off (users can turn on but defaults to off)
full on (users cannot turn off)

Re: Censoring

What good would the censoring do if users could turn it off?

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."

Re: Censoring

some users want censoring some dont...


Re: Censoring

The point of censoring is to prevent the use of foul language on the boards. IMHO, I do not want to read that sort of language, and I dont want it on my boards either, because what is said their has some reflection on me aswell.

Do, or do not.