Topic: Problem with "Mark all forums as read"

When I click on it, there appears blank screen sad Any idea why?

Re: Problem with "Mark all forums as read"

Probably a corrupt file. Try uploading the file misc.php again.

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."

Re: Problem with "Mark all forums as read"

It did not worked. I downloaded again 1.1.5 and replaced the misc.php in my forum folder, but nothing changed sad

Re: Problem with "Mark all forums as read"

The same problem I encountered with actions based on moderate.php sad

Re: Problem with "Mark all forums as read"

Have you installed any mods? Checked file permissions? Try chmodding the files to 755.

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."

Re: Problem with "Mark all forums as read"

yes, 755 for all except avatars, which should be 777

id also try reinstalling, if those dont work, chances are its your host

$theQuestion = (2*b) || !(2*b);

Re: Problem with "Mark all forums as read"

I tried to chmod these files to 755 but it didn't help sad

Everything worked fine till I upgraded from 1.0.1 to 1.1.5 in the weekend, so I don't think its my host.

Re: Problem with "Mark all forums as read"

well it might be from the upgrade, you could try a clean install?

Re: Problem with "Mark all forums as read"

What do you mean by clean install?

Re: Problem with "Mark all forums as read"

delete everything and start again, i'm sure someone will explain how to backup your DB and put back the users and posts afterwards

Re: Problem with "Mark all forums as read"

I'm sorry Edward, but I can't think of anything in the PunBB code that would cause that to happen for those specific files. It must be something wrong with your files. Try uploading a fresh 1.1.5 install into a new directory and then just copy the config.php from your previous install into the new directory. If it happens there as well, we'll have to investigate further.

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."


Re: Problem with "Mark all forums as read"

I just reinstalled the forum (I copied back just the config, template, help, parser file and some files which I changed according the poll mode).

The problem has not disappeared sad

Re: Problem with "Mark all forums as read"

Then have you tried it on another comp? Your comp could be screwing up for some reason...

Re: Problem with "Mark all forums as read"

Edward: Ok, one more test. Install a completely fresh copy and try that one. You can install it in parallell to your current forum, just use a different table prefix in install.php.

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."

Re: Problem with "Mark all forums as read"

be absulotley certain that your browser caches, that has caused alot of problems with me...

$theQuestion = (2*b) || !(2*b);


Re: Problem with "Mark all forums as read"

I installed a mirror forum and it works. May be the problem is in the files that I did not reinstalled in my real forum? But if so, can anybodu help me where exactly can be the problem, because it will be quite a lot of work to modify them again from scratch?

Re: Problem with "Mark all forums as read"

Try replacing the file one by one. When it breaks, you know which file is broken.

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."


Re: Problem with "Mark all forums as read"

Thank, a good idea. Now I am wondering how I did not come to it by myself smile

I will try that.


Re: Problem with "Mark all forums as read"

It is the config file! Do you have any idea why? It look like that:


// This is just an example config. The install script will generate a correct
// version of this file when you install PunBB. This file is here merely as a
// backup if the working version is somehow lost or corrupted.

$db_type = 'mysql';
$db_host = 'xxx';
$db_name = 'xxx';
$db_username = 'xxx';
$db_password = 'xxx';
$db_prefix = 'first_';
$p_connect = true;

$cookie_name = 'punbb_cookie';
$cookie_domain = '';
$cookie_path = '/';
$cookie_secure = 0;

$language = 'pl';

define('PUN', 1);


I do not know if it matters, but I have configured it so that it works with the integrated Coppermine Gallery.

Re: Problem with "Mark all forums as read"

The config file looks fine. The only think i can imagine is that you have some odd character in your db_name, db_username or db_password that needs escaping. Do you have a singlequote in any of them?

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."


Re: Problem with "Mark all forums as read"

I changed step by step each parameter from the example config to my config and the problem is with my language. When there is "en" everything is allright. When I change to "pl" some features like "Stick topic", "Mark all as read", etc. do not work.

I checked my translation but I did not find any obvious mistake. Do you have any idea where can be the mistake?

Re: Problem with "Mark all forums as read"

Aha, then there is probably a problem with lang/pl/pl_misc.php.

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."


Re: Problem with "Mark all forums as read"

I looked at it twice but I did not find anything strange. May be you will find?


// Language definitions used in various scripts
$lang_misc = array(

'Mark read redirect'                =>        'Wszystkie posty zosta?y zaznaczone jako przeczytane. Przekierowanie...',

// Send e-mail
'Form e-mail disabled'                =>        'U?ytkownik do którego próbujesz wys?a? wiadomo¶? ma t? opcj? wy?±czon±.',
'No e-mail subject'                        =>        'Nale?y wprowadzi? tytu?.',
'No e-mail message'                        =>        'Nale?y wprowadzi? tre¶? wiadomo¶ci.',
'Too long e-mail message'        =>        'Wiadomo¶? nie mo?e zawiera? wi?cej ni? 65535 znaków (64 Kb).',
'E-mail sent redirect'                =>        'Wiadomo¶? wys?ana. Przekierowanie ...',
'Send e-mail'                                =>        'Wy¶lij wiadomo¶?',
'E-mail to'                                        =>        'Do',
'E-mail subject'                        =>        'Tytu?',
'E-mail message'                        =>        'Tre¶? wiadomo¶ci',
'E-mail disclosure note'        =>        'U?ywaj±c ten formularz ujawnisz swój adres e-mail odbiorcy.',

// Report
'No reason'                                        =>        'Musisz poda? przyczyn?.',
'Report redirect'                        =>        'Post zg?oszony, Przekierowanie...',
'Report post'                                =>        'Zg?o¶ post',
'Reason'                                        =>        'Przyczyna',
'Reason desc'                                =>        'Prosz? podaj krótk± przyczyn? dlaczego zg?aszasz ten post.',

// Subscriptions
'Already subscribed'                =>        'Ju? subskrybujesz ten temat.',
'Subscribe redirect'                =>        'Twoja subskrybcja zosta?a dodana. Przekierowanie...',
'Not subscribed'                        =>        'Nie subskrybujesz tego tematu.',
'Unsubscribe redirect'                =>        'Twoja subskrybja zosta?a usuni?ta. Przekierowanie...'

// General forum and topic moderation
'Moderate'                                        =>        'Moderuj',
'Select'                                        =>        'Wybierz',        // the header of a column of checkboxes
'Move'                                                =>        'Przenie¶',
'Delete'                                        =>        'Usu?',

// Moderate forum
'Open'                                                =>        'Otwórz',
'Close'                                                =>        'Zamknij',
'Move topic'                                =>        'Przenie¶ temat',
'Move topics'                                =>        'Przenie¶ tematy',
'Move to'                                        =>        'Przenie¶ do',
'Leave redirect'                        =>        'Pozostaw odsy?acz do tematu(ów)',
'Move topic redirect'                =>        'Temat przeniesiony. Przekierowanie ...',
'Move topics redirect'        =>    'Temat przeniesiony. Przekierowanie ...',
'Delete topics'                =>    'Usu? tematy',
'Delete topics comply'        =>    'Jeste¶ pewny, ?e chcesz usun±? zaznaczone tematy?',
'Delete topics redirect'    =>    'Tematy usuni?te. Przekierowanie ...',
'Open topic redirect'        =>    'Temat otwarty. Przekierowanie ...',
'Open topics redirect'        =>    'Tematy otwarte. Przekierowanie ...',
'Close topic redirect'        =>    'Temat zamkni?ty. Przekierowanie ...',
'Close topics redirect'        =>    'Tematy zamkni?te. Przekierowanie ...',
'No topics selected'        =>    'Nale?y wybra? przynajmniej jeden temat do zmiany/usuni?cia/otwarcia/zamkni?cia.',

// Delete multiple posts in topic
'Delete posts'                =>    'Usu? posty',
'Delete posts comply'        =>    'Jeste¶ pewny, ?e chcesz usun±? zaznaczone posty?',
'Delete posts redirect'        =>    'Posty usuni?te. Przekierowanie ...',
'No posts selected'            =>    'Nale?y wybra? przynajmniej jeden post do zmiany/usuni?cia.'



Re: Problem with "Mark all forums as read"

Edward wrote:

'Unsubscribe redirect'                =>        'Twoja subskrybja zosta?a usuni?ta. Przekierowanie...'

The proble was with the above code. There was no comma at the end sad

Now it works. Thanks for the support and I am sorry for my stupid question.

Re: Problem with "Mark all forums as read"

No worries. Now just send the language pack to me so I can post it to the download page :)

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."