Topic: Customizations needed (for $$$)

Hello everyone!

First of all I want to congratulate Rickard on his excellent program.  I looked a long time for something like this, and at last my search is over!

I need a PunBB integrated into my members-only site.  I need a programmer who can edit PunBB so that...

...the existing user database is used instead of a separate PunBB one... user authentication system is used instead of the default one (this includes logins)...
...everytime a member posts a message it updates a field in my member database (this has to do with a contest I'm running that encourages users to post in the forum)...
...profile info from my existing user database is used...

I am a PHP programmer that can assist the person I hire to complete this job.  I do not expect it to take very long for a person who knows what they are doing.  This is for a non-profit organization, so we don't have a ton of money.  But I am willing to pay whatever is needed to have this done. 

Just email me with your bids.  Thank you!

Re: Customizations needed (for $$$)

Is this the right forum for this kind of topic?  :-)

Re: Customizations needed (for $$$)

What sort of existing system are you using?

Re: Customizations needed (for $$$)

For what?  My membership system?  Or my bulletin board?

I'm making a custom membership system, and the site is new, so I don't have any forum installed.

Re: Customizations needed (for $$$)

For your membership system.

For instance, I use a CMS called ExpressionEngine, and I'm looking to integrate PunBB's membership system into the EE one. And vice versa.

I'm assuming your system also will be using cookies of some sort? Or will you use sessions instead?

I have to do something similar. smile


Re: Customizations needed (for $$$)

shecodes wrote:

I have to do something similar. :)

That's great, will you be putting up a how-to on the pmachine how-to site for other projects to learn from this?

Re: Customizations needed (for $$$)

projos: If the site is new, why not use PunBB's user system for the whole site?

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."

Re: Customizations needed (for $$$)

Rickard, that would be a great idea except my site is rather unorthodox, and this forum will only be one of many things the members can do.  Also, it is a subscription-based site, so working that into PunBB wouldn't be easy. 

I'm using PHP sessions, shecodes.  smile

Re: Customizations needed (for $$$)

Can anybody do this?


Re: Customizations needed (for $$$)

projos wrote:

Can anybody do this?

The problem that I see with your approach is that at the time you make your custom mod, you're stuck at that version of PunBB for the life of your site.

Unless you pay $$$ to mod it again in the future.

I would do either:
a) Use PunBB's user system.
b) Pick a CMS that has a bridge to PunBB

I've been on your site, transitioning to a CMS would be less work than modding PunBB.

Re: Customizations needed (for $$$)

I don't think so. There's alot of work replacing the user-system with something else. Most of the querys must be rewritten or replaced, and a lot of other things won't work either.

As PunBB only was "one of many things", what's the other things to be included?