Re: Unified converter! (InvPB, miniBB, PhpBB, vBulletin & YabbSE)
Jonex: I doubt anyone here will make a converter that allows you to migrate away from PunBB. For that, you'll have to ask in the phpBB forums.
I thought that this converter maybe was flexible anough to be atleast easily modded.
I hope I didn't offend you by implying that there's a risk that PunBB isn't optimal for my use?
I'm afraid that there isn't much chance of finding a pun-to-php-converter at phpbb.
Hehe, it seams like there's need for one, though this guy knew better than me where to post:
Though he seems to have quite high expectations for a free software: "...the support staff..."
I guess I'll just have to take some extra time to decide then.