1 (edited by notnamed 2005-01-08 03:23)

Topic: Example config.php

Could someone post an example config.php file for me? I'm going from 1.2 Beta to 1.2 Final, and what I ended up doing was deleting all the beta files and putting in the new ones. However, in my infinite wisdom, I also deleted the config.php file. I'm afraid if I go through the install process normally, all my posts will be overwritten. So, if I had an example config.php file, I could fill in the values myself and save it.

Thanks smile

2 (edited by hcgtv 2005-01-08 04:17)

Re: Example config.php


// This is just an example config. The install script will generate a correct
// version of this file when you install PunBB. This file is here merely as a
// backup if the working version is somehow lost or corrupted.

$db_type = 'blabla';
$db_host = 'blabla';
$db_name = 'blabla';
$db_username = 'blabla';
$db_password = 'blabla';
$db_prefix = '';
$p_connect = false;

$cookie_name = 'punbb_cookie';
$cookie_domain = '';
$cookie_path = '/';
$cookie_secure = 0;
$cookie_seed = 'asdf1234';    // Make up your own secret seed here

define('PUN', 1);


Re: Example config.php

Ah, thanks muchly.


Re: Example config.php

For future reference, I think there is an example config file in the extras folder of the download.