Topic: More Efficient?

I was working on some code for a BBParser and I had come up with the code below. I looked to see what Rickard came up with, and honestly I think mine is more efficient. Take a look to see if you can benefit from it.

This basically does the same thing as check_tag_order:


// Returns true if each instance of a end tag has a beginning before it,
// unless count is mismatched.
function compare_strpos($text, $tag){
    $ret    = TRUE;                                // Set return value to true, in case it gets past the gauntlet
    $begin    = strpos_array($text, '[' . $tag);            // Retrieve array for tag beginning
    $end    = strpos_array($text, '[/' . $tag . ']');    // Ditto for end

    if (count($begin) != count($end)) {            // If the counts don't match, return value is FALSE
        $ret = FALSE;
    foreach ($begin as $count => $pos) {        // Check each occurence
        if($pos > $end[$count]) $ret = FALSE;    // If position of the same occurence count of end tag
    }                                            // is before the begin tag, return value is FALSE

    return $ret;                                // Return return value

// Returns an array in this fashion:
// array(count => position)
function strpos_array($haystack, $needle){
   $kill    = 0;                                // Kills while loop when changed
   $offset    = 0;                                // Offset for strpos()
   $i        = 0;                                // Counter, not iterator

   while ($kill === 0) {
       $result = strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset); 

       if ($result === FALSE) {                    // If result is false (no more instances found), kill the while loop
           $kill = 1;
       } else {
           $array[$i] = $result;                // Set array
           $offset = $result + 1;                // Offset is set 1 character after previous occurence


   return $array;



$string = '[quote]blahblah[/quote]
compare_strpos($string, 'quote'); // returns true

$string = '[/quote]
compare_strpos($string, 'quote'); // returns false

$string = '[quote]blahblah'; 
compare_strpos($string, 'quote'); // returns false

$string = 'blahblah[/quote]
compare_strpos($string, 'quote'); // returns false

I hope this helps.

Re: More Efficient?

Nice. It doesn't quite do the job though. It doesn't check for improper nesting of quote and code tags. That's the hard part.

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."