Topic: #brdfooter visible with logn horz scrollbar

Hi, in base.css

#brdfooter H2, #brdstats H2, #brdstats .conl DT, #brdstats .conr DT,
#modcontrols DT, #searchlinks DT, DIV.postright H3 {
        POSITION: absolute;
        DISPLAY: block;
        OVERFLOW: hidden;
        WIDTH: 1em;
        LEFT: -999em

It make long horz scrollbar in bottom in IE not in Firefox that make a problem when switch to right, if you want to see it by replace LEFT by RIGHT and refresh.

after try i change "DISPLAY" property to "none"

#brdfooter H2, #brdstats H2, #brdstats .conl DT, #brdstats .conr DT,
#modcontrols DT, #searchlinks DT, DIV.postright H3 {
        POSITION: absolute;
        DISPLAY: none;
        OVERFLOW: hidden;

Is it good way to resolve that problem?

If your people come crazy, you will not need to your mind any more.


Re: #brdfooter visible with logn horz scrollbar

Just leave it as left. Since it is invisible anyway it doesn't make any difference. If you make it visible then it will be an ordinary H2 so no problem.

Using display:none defeats the whole purpose of having it since it will be invisiable to screen readers.


Re: #brdfooter visible with logn horz scrollbar

It is LEFT not RIGHT, the problem only in IE when useing style_rtl, there is a small blue box appear far away.

may be i add this

#brdfooter H2 {
        DISPLAY: none;
If your people come crazy, you will not need to your mind any more.