Topic: Missing check(s) in moderate.php

Well, one check kind of leads to the other wink
Anyway, it's possible to delete the first post in a topic without deleting the topic (it took me tinkering with a Firefox extension I have to get it to happen though).
The second is that, because of the first, you can cause an SQL error (since it deletes the post and therefore the last_post info can't be updated) and have a topic with no posts in it (pointless, yes).

Re: Missing check(s) in moderate.php

Oh, and one more: you can move a topic to a non existant forum. Unlikely, true, and it can be moved back, but shouldn't happen wink

Re: Missing check(s) in moderate.php

Mmm, found another: it lists my secret admin forum to moderators when they move a thread and allows them to move stuff there (as well as to forums that only admins should be able to move stuff to, because no one else has permission to post there, and if a mod can move stuff there it's about the same as posting)

Re: Missing check(s) in moderate.php

The bugs you pointed out in the first two posts is not something I will tend to. Yes, a moderator can e.g. remove the first post in a topic (and not the topic itself) by sending a custom request, but why would he/she? I'm pretty sure there are a few more such "bugs". Fixing them will add quite a lot of code and I'm not sure it's worth it.

The bug in the third post however needs to be dealt with. I will look into it ASAP.

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."

Re: Missing check(s) in moderate.php

Notice: Undefined index: move_to_forum in c:\apache\apache\imperial\public_html\forum\moderate.php on line 294

If there's no forum to move to