Topic: Can we read emails thru sms?

Hi anyone,

Just wonder if there is such service out there that let us receive/read our emails as sms? I mean, when I got a new email for a specific email account, the email will be sent to my mobile phone as sms too? I need this because I am always on move and currently do not have a laptop yet.


Re: Can we read emails thru sms?


To receive the sms alert/read the email when you've got emails in your specific email accounts, I think there's such an online service. You can check it out at: for US users and for Malaysia users.

Hope it helps.

Re: Can we read emails thru sms?

Perhaps you could just have your provider forward those emails to your phone? For example, a phone email address is like

Check with your provider.

Re: Can we read emails thru sms? wrote:

Perhaps you could just have your provider forward those emails to your phone? For example, a phone email address is like

Check with your provider.

Or leave your PC on 24/7 (I do, my PC is a file/print [mostly print] server on my network) and have your e-mail program forward e-mails to your phone's e-mail address (like above)