Topic: Plugin Idea - RedirLART

I would very much like to have a LART (Luser Attitude Readjustment Tool) plugin that would allow me to set a specified duration of time during which the specified user would, upon login, be redirected to the URL of my choice.  The redirect URL should be independently configurable for each user being LARTed, thus allowing admins not only to punish users without banning them outright, but also to hammer home the point of the punishment.  For instance, if a user posts a commercial advertisement, you could redirect him to the URL referenced in the ad for a few days.

  Each time the user attempts to login, a table is consulted, and if the user appears on the table, he/she is redirected to the corresponding URL.  Before redirecting the user, a brief notice stating that the user is being punished in this fashion (and why, and for how long) should be displayed.

  Any coder cowboys interested in riding this bronc to reality?

Re: Plugin Idea - RedirLART

that would be a mod not a plugin


Re: Plugin Idea - RedirLART

Oh, damn, my bad... can we move this thread to the appropriate forum?


Re: Plugin Idea - RedirLART

Something can be very easily implemented.

All you have to do is open functions.php , go to line 171,
change "pun_htmlspecialchars($cur_ban['message'])" 
to "$cur_ban['message']"

This is imposing a security leak. However, only admins can write ban messages so maybe this can be ignored here.

Then just add a ban for the user you want to punish and in the ban message write something like

<script language="JavaScript">alert('You are punished simply because you suck'); document.location.href='http://forums.punbb.org'</script>

This is the only way you can get your feature without lots of modifications.

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