1 (edited by ianskate 2005-08-02 01:47)

Topic: Adding to menu doesn't save

Ok, I thought I was going crazy when I tried to add items to the menu through the Admin panel, and they just vanished upon hitting save.

I looked through the database for where it could be stored, but couldn't find anything. I have searched the forums, but found nothing. Hopefully this is something that can be solved.

Anyhow, immediately after adding the appropriate information into the field, I scroll down and hit Save, or submit, whatever it is, and it goes through with the proper redirect... but nothing is added. Upon checking the Admin panel again, the field shows up blank.

If you need to look at the board for any reason: http://abstract3.com/forums/

Any ideas/suggestions? Thanks in advance smile

Edit: Also, if you can help me fix the alignment of the menu links, I'd like them to be centered (and in the middle of the image), but I can't seem to do so. That would be awesome too (but one problem at a time).


Re: Adding to menu doesn't save

If you check the PunBB changesets, i think there was a recent fix of a bug to admin_options, so try that..

3 (edited by ianskate 2005-08-03 05:58)

Re: Adding to menu doesn't save

Hmm. I couldn't find anything when searching the changesets. I searched for "admin_options", as well as looked through it manually. Are you sure it was added, or am I looking in the wrong place? (http://dev.punbb.org/changeset/)

Edit: A day later... I ended up finding the issue (probably what you were talking about) in the bugs forum.

Here's the link for anybody else with the problem, or similar, because apparently it was a bug.
