1 (edited by Paultiscali 2005-11-03 14:05)

Topic: Shoutbox Mod

How would you like to have your own full screen shoutbox at the navigation menu were the profile, search ,logout etc is at the top well it couldnt be easier

Just follow these simple steps

Step 1. You will need a free website so i would suggest you go to 100webspace.com

Step 2. Go to this website dmscripts.com then go to a menu called downloads and click on it and were you see a script called "Text Shoutbox" download it to your computer

Step 3. The text shoutbox package you downloaded to your computer upload it to your website from the file manager, make sure you put in a subdomain called shoutbox in your host to smile
make sure you chmod all the files to permissons 777 thanks

Step 4. Go to your domain which will be something like this http://yourdomain.info/shoutbox/login.php

Your admin and password are both named admin

Once your in your shoutbox login page you can edit the stuff around you but make sure u change your username and password asap big_smile

Step 5. Go into your forums Administration menu, go to the down list menu called options and click it, go down the options menu until you see a menu called "Features" then go to the bottom of the features list until you see a menu called "Additional menu items"

In the empty box at the side of it type in this code

6= <a href="http://yourdomain.info/shoutbox/shoutbox.php">Shoutbox</a>

Then click at the bottom of the menu save changes

P.S you can change the number 6 to any number as that will be were you want to put the shoutbox menu up  smile

This script was made by dmscripts.com but written by myself big_smile

Re: Shoutbox Mod

can i see demo?

3 (edited by Paultiscali 2005-11-03 14:04)

Re: Shoutbox Mod

Click link below to see the shoutbox in action on the punbb forums

demo forums with shoutbox included

Re: Shoutbox Mod

hmm Why would you need hosting if you have a forum? And this is not integration, integration involves some link between the software.

Re: Shoutbox Mod

If people have a host that they have uploaded there forums to then they can use this simple mod and if they dont well i dont think they can big_smile