1 (edited by Amaresh 2005-11-05 10:24)

Topic: Miniscule text in IE

Hello there,
I've been experimenting with this nifty little forum script and am amazed by its versatility. I have been trying to skin punBB to integrate seamlessly into my site, at http://www.digital-pulse.net. The punBB installation may be found at http://www.digital-pulse.net/punbb .

I am quite pleased the way the skin has turned out in Firefox and Opera, but for some reason the font sizes in IE are really very tiny. So Would any one kindly guide me how to fix it? The screenshot may be seen below:


Thanks very much for your help.


Re: Miniscule text in IE


Re: Miniscule text in IE

Thanks for your help, the problem has been sorted out now smile