Topic: Moderator Link

Hide the moderator list below each forum name to be a link called 'View moderators' in which it then lists the moderators on a seperate page.  I have been thinking of delving into the code myself, but I want 99% uptime, and can't run the risk of screwing up.  Thanks for help!

Re: Moderator Link

Don't get me wrong here, but what good would that do? If you need a link "View moderators", it's not like your saving any space.

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."


Re: Moderator Link

The only way that would have any point to it would be if there was some kind of global "View moderators" link either on the index page or, by forum, on the viewforum page. Unless of course you have enough moderators to fill two lines or have a very narrow layout. Otherwise its just a gimmick.

Re: Moderator Link

Pretty much a gimmick, but I have narrow boards, and I hate clutter. tongue

5 (edited by ghotistix 2005-12-03 09:03)

Re: Moderator Link

I made this change on my own board, since all moderators manage all forums, and the redundancy was getting on my nerves.

Starting at line 115 in index.php, replace

    if ($cur_forum['moderators'] != '')
        $mods_array = unserialize($cur_forum['moderators']);
        $moderators = array();

        while (list($mod_username, $mod_id) = @each($mods_array))
            $moderators[] = '<a href="profile.php?id='.$mod_id.'">'.pun_htmlspecialchars($mod_username).'</a>';

        $moderators = "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t".'<p><em>('.$lang_common['Moderated by'].'</em> '.implode(', ', $moderators).')</p>'."\n";


    if ($cur_forum['moderators'] != '')
        $moderators = "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t".'<p><a href="userlist.php?show_group=2&sort_by=username&sort_dir=ASC&search=Submit">View moderators</a></p>'."\n";

Being a dirty hack, it assumes that your moderator group is group 2 and it doesn't reference a lang file, but it should work.

6 (edited by Cajual 2005-12-04 17:22)

Re: Moderator Link

Will try it out, thanks a lot.

Works like a charm --