Topic: FCKEditor

Hello PUNBB'ers. First I'd like to mention that Rickard has built a fine machine here, and I'm sure he has very nice teeth.

I've got a project that I'm building around punBB, and I have only one "feature" left to add, and I thought I'd inquire here first before digging through the code for hours... and possibly discover that I'm totally off my rocker.

What I'd like to do is a bit of an extension to the miniportal tutorial from  Connorhd. What I would like to do is integrate FCKEDITOR into the postbox so that the handful of individuals that have access to post to the forum that will supply the "news" can post more robust styling and HTML than what bbcode (or textile) can provide.

The question is in two parts, I suppose: first, is it even possible to disable any filtering on posts for a specific forum or specific users? Second, is it possible to display different code to different forums (or different users)?

Hopefully I've been clear about my aims... If you think you can answer these sorts of questions, but need more clarification or more specifics, let me know. Also, I'm not asking for the work to be done - I can do that myself - but would certainly appreciate a little help, wisdom, and code guidance.



Re: FCKEditor

Moving to integration forum.

Re: FCKEditor

righton, i thought about that a little after i posted it...

Re: FCKEditor

if anyone else is interested, i have actually pulled this off quite successfully. all that was required was a php if statement to be added to two files:





i can writeup a complete example if anyone is interested.


Re: FCKEditor

Yes please, go with your example!