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PunBB 1.3 extension development


TODO: Describe the steps to create the extension.

PunBB team extension development life cycle

  1. Create the wiki article for the extension and write the general idea and the specification there.
  2. Add the ticket to the Trac (or just start a text file, if you have no Trac). List the main tasks to complete the extension.
  3. To be invented: Create the automatic test (e.g. using pun_admin_simpletest) for all the features in your task-list.
  4. Code them all! Follow your task-list and strike out done.
    • Commit your changes to the SVN separately: one feature or one bug fix is one commit. Do not commit multiple changes simultaneously.
    • BTW: Use SVN or other VCS. (I personally prefer Bazaar.)
  5. Add the documentation to the wiki article.
    • Extension usage.
    • Extension customization and integration.
  6. Publish extension in the extension repository (as soon as it passed all the automatic tests).
    • Third-party developers may propose their extensions to be reviewed and published in the repository.
  7. Release the extension in Forums.

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