−Table of Contents
PunBB 1.3 styles
To Add a new style:
- Place it in directory <FORUM_ROOT>/style.
To Change a style:
- To change only your profile (so that only you can see the new style), go to profile and Settings
- To change the forum style, go to the admin panel and settings
Please note: Changing the style in the admin panel will not update current user styles unless ALL other styles are removed. If the main style in the admin panel is changed then currently registered users must change theirs manually.
Official styles
The styles developed and supported by PunBB Team. The Oxygen style is included in the PunBB installation package. Other styles can be downloaded via these links:
punbb-1.3-styles.zip (109 K)
punbb-1.3-styles.7z (62 K)
punbb-1.3-styles.tar.gz (92 K)