Topic: 1.2 Requests: using PunBB as mini-CMS
I want to move from my current feature-bloated CMS to PunBB, and use PunBB as more than just a forum. I think PunBB should (must) be kept as fast & light as possible; this is a major competitive advantage. However, I think we can make it work as a (mini) CMS with very little code bloat. Here are some thoughts and requests...
1) Use the ?Forum format? for different CMS services: - news stories - articles - classified ads - wiki
2) Do this by changing forum behavior and posting permissions:
Forum behavior : for each CMS service (generally), you will want to post only a topic, and not allow any replies.
Permissions :
News - moderator/admin create/edit permission only
Articles - registered users create permission; original poster edit permission (on own posts)
Classified Ads - (same as articles)
Wiki - all registered users create and edit permission on all pages
Users should be able to upload images, also possibly files (adobe acrobat docs, music files, spreadsheets, whatever). Then these images (or files) can easily be inserted into their articles, classifieds, etc.
3) Feature requests:
? File uploading for registered users (PLEASE)
? File uploading might need checks and restrictions on file size, file type (extension) etc.
? Possibly combine file uploading with GD or Imagemagick to force resize on large images
? Automatically Prune posts from selected forum (Classified Ads : automatically prune posts greater than XX days old)
? Buttons to insert BBCode formatting automatically ? , etc.
? Formatting code (BBCode) highlighted in different color (e.g. blue); normal text in black (this would make writing and formatting articles or wiki pages much easier)
Thanks so much for PunBB! I will likely use it as a CMS regardless of whether you add the design and feature requests above. But anything that you can do that makes sense would be great!