Bill who? :>)
127 2004-07-16 01:58
Topic: Disallow HTML in posts (21 replies, posted in General discussion)
I guess I'm lost. Is there a way to disable HTML completely in posts?
We'll we using Zaher's nifty Code Beautifier, so all we wish to allow is BB code only.
Am I missing something?
TIA :>)
128 2004-06-21 10:45
Re: Did your BBS get hacked? (5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)
ok, sorry! - didn't mean to build up a stir - the Forum looked weird to me, and when viewing some of the threads, they didn't look 'punbbish' so-to-speak.
I had not realized it was in Russian.
My Bad
129 2004-06-21 10:04
Topic: Did your BBS get hacked? (5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)
I noticed the very last Forum Category this morning. <:(
Has anyone else?
130 2004-06-08 13:03
Re: Hack for the display of posts/entries? (5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
Thanks Rickard, I'll give this a go. :>)
131 2004-06-07 21:46
Re: Hack for the display of posts/entries? (5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
You need to edit line 327 in include/parser.php. The line looks like this:
$message .= '<br><br></span><table style="width: 95%" align="center" cellspacing="4" cellpadding="6"><tr><td class="punquote"><span class="puntext"><b>'.$lang_common['Code'].':</b></span><br><br><pre>'.trim($inside[$i]).'</pre></td></tr></table><span class="puntext"><br>';
hokay ...
I tried a couple of things, but unfortunately I wuz terribly unsuccessful. <:(
If I apply a textarea tag, [with the associative html form tags], where do I stick them in your code?
Can you give me an example of where punbb code surrounds the textarea stuff?
signed: dumb&dumber :>)
132 2004-06-05 13:51
Topic: Hack for the display of posts/entries? (5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
Hi Rickard, all ...
Ok, I have a new forum set up, however there will be alot of applescript and php code to be displayed in the messages.
As a test, and experiment, I want to display the messages of posts in a text area [form field].
The experiment being that users will be able to display, and easily copy any code in each message.
Rickard, where [or what line number] on viewtopic.php can I alter the code, so that all the messages are wrapped in a textarea field?
I know how to hack it, and if things don't work out this way, I can always change it back.
If you could show me the right function/variable to modify, I'll dance at yer wed'n. :>)
many thanks!
133 2004-05-16 19:41
Re: Request: Integrate RSS feeds | Send Digests | Preview Entries (14 replies, posted in Feature requests)
Any chance of these feature requests making it into 1.5?
Specifically, items 3, 4, 5 and 7
I find the ability to email digests, either with a cron, or pointing to a url, very attractive.
A "Email this entry" link would IMHO would be painlessly easy to implement, yes?
134 2004-05-16 19:30
Re: cloak e-mail addresses! (54 replies, posted in Feature requests)
Hey Rickard,
Would something like this work, without putting too much overhead on the server?
<?php $At="@";
echo "<a href=\"mailto:".$WholeEmail."?subject=Testing\">yadda</a>";
Obvously, you would have to fill in the parameters with variables, but the you get the idea. I'm not even sure this method would work. It seems like it does. Just curious if this would provide an adequate solution.
As for spammers being able to farm email from the bbs, I would have to say with an emphatic YES - that is a LARGE concern.
I recognize you're trying to keep PunBB as lightweight and "bloatwareless" as is possible, on the other hand, I would hate to see a potential user base shy away from PunBB because of spammers being able to farm clients email links from their website.
Please don't discount the importance of providing spam-proof links in PunBB, as a lot of users won't view the absense as a way to keep PunBB light, as much as an oversight.
Just my 2 cents. :>)
135 2004-04-25 15:31
Re: Request: Integrate RSS feeds | Send Digests | Preview Entries (14 replies, posted in Feature requests)
Raybo wrote:3) Please consider implementing a broadcast digest. Some time ago, I used webBBS, and it had a Admin feature to send out digests, say, every Monday, or X day of all the posts up until that time. This was a very popular feature, and my current Forum [phpbb] does not have this. It is sorely missed.
I'm currently working on rewriting parts of the admin interface to allow plugins/modules. A digest feature seems like a candidate for such a module.
I wonder how webBBS knew when to send it out. Running a query every pageview to determine if it is time to send it out is an ugly solution.
crontab or similiar jumps to mind, but not every operator lets their users run it.
Have it built in the CP pointing to a page the describes it's useage first, etc, with the link button on it that triggers the digest script. This would take care of everything in one jump, including instructions.
Cron tabs are nice, but your right - most would not even have the wherewithall to know what a cron is, let alone have the ability to run them.
136 2004-04-25 14:56
Re: Request: Integrate RSS feeds | Send Digests | Preview Entries (14 replies, posted in Feature requests)
Yes! - This is what I'm referring to. :>)
.... perhaps the code could render in a different color, if using ubb code tags. Just something to distinguish it from quoting, and evident.
a) As a nicety, being able to insert some tags in the template, would allow users to click on a link, and download it directly to the desktop. [I have this btw]
b) or, render the entire code structure in an iframe, {or a regular 'ole text area would do}, so the users could easily copy
Just thinking outloud, that's all. In the end, a simple mechanism, providing the ability to grab stuff off the page easily, without having to scrap it off a web page.
137 2004-04-25 12:37
Re: Request: Integrate RSS feeds | Send Digests | Preview Entries (14 replies, posted in Feature requests)
Well, I intuited your reply by the fact it would be hard to have, say one for php, and it not work well for another language. Sooooo .... I guess that blows my idea out of the water. :>)
Maybe just a simple 'code' button, that uses UBB code to wrap it in. Say, purple, or somthing easy to disinguish the posted code to set it apart. [shrug]
As an alternative [or addition], maybe add some smallish code, so that a user could save a file to disk. I have a php script that does this really well, however it won't work in phpbb [their templates are saved with a .tpl extension.
You had mentioned another alternative, other than using iframes. Can you share what your idea was?
I certainly *don't* want you to follow the trail of 'other' BBS apps - that would be counter to the feel that PunBB has [assuming I even had the right to have a say]. I'm right there with you in that regard. However, features I've mentioned so far IMHO would be great to have, hopefully without adding a lot of overhead to the backend.
138 2004-04-25 12:19
Re: Request: Integrate RSS feeds | Send Digests | Preview Entries (14 replies, posted in Feature requests)
"Yes, but you have implemented some form of custom syntax highlighting for applescript. I can't do that will PunBB because then I would have to add highlighting for hundreds of languages. Highlighting applescript as PHP code won't be pretty."
Oh no! - We're not doing anything at all on the backend - I'm talking about guys who used applescript to convert text so that when they paste that into the entry form and post it on the BBS, it looks nice and readable.
btw: have you ever tried to hack PhpBB? - Heck, for that matter, have you ever tried to change their templating? - I'ts a *real* pain in the butt. <:(
I definitely understand your design bias, and frankly, I love it too. I am not a big fan of avatars, and all the other stuff that most forums have. I am very much a conservative in that regard. On the other hand, I have to consider who is coming to my forum, who is using it and what features they are demanding of me [or assuming I will offer, considering the market].
Regardless, I would use PunBB in a second, even if for my own use, as I really like it.
139 2004-04-25 11:01
Re: Request: Integrate RSS feeds | Send Digests | Preview Entries (14 replies, posted in Feature requests)
I just remembered that when sending out digests under webBBS, I used my web browser to trigger it. I pointed it to a script, and it did it's thing.
Sorry, it's been a while. Just remembered :>)
At least this would prevent you from having to do any queries, other than just the guts to send out the Topics, and Entries when a user triggered it. [assuming manually]
As a bonus, perhaps you could set up a 'reminder' email to the Admin, telling them to use the trigger script - say, on every Monday, or something along those lines. - Just a thought. All kinds of stuff comes to mind.
For that matter, maybe set it up so that the *email* could trigger the script for you. <ginch>
140 2004-04-25 10:52
Re: Request: Integrate RSS feeds | Send Digests | Preview Entries (14 replies, posted in Feature requests)
1) Please integrate RSS feeds, as most board operators depend on this a lot. Not only would it increase PunBB's perceived value, nowadays, it's just a must in any 'modern' BBS.
2) When considering the above, please include a 'feeder' script [ie: feeder.php], so that board admins will be able to readily incorporate their feeds into other pages of their website without a another hack they have to find elsewhere. In my case for example, I have a rss feed on our cover, that lists the last 10 posts on our forum.
Have a look at the script extern.php.
Ahh!! - Ok, so there ya go. Just hadn't played long enuf :>) - thanks!
3) Please consider implementing a broadcast digest. Some time ago, I used webBBS, and it had a Admin feature to send out digests, say, every Monday, or X day of all the posts up until that time. This was a very popular feature, and my current Forum [phpbb] does not have this. It is sorely missed.
I'm currently working on rewriting parts of the admin interface to allow plugins/modules. A digest feature seems like a candidate for such a module.
I wonder how webBBS knew when to send it out. Running a query every pageview to determine if it is time to send it out is an ugly solution.
I still have my file package - and would be more than happy to send webBBS to you if it would help. It was a perl/cgi board - ancient by todays standards. Let me know, or contact me offpost if you're interested.
4) I recognize from an earlier post about providing the templates in the Admin directly, however in the case of users 'not getting it' when they install, they're not going to get it anyway. To me, providing the ability to edit the template files directly outweighs the fact people can't read. The needs of many outweigh the few in this case. :>)
Perhaps you could chown at install, however I have no idea how hard that would be to implement in the installer.
I'm considering it. I haven't decided yet. There are additional problem. What if a user removes <pun_main> from the main template in the admin interface? The forum will disappear and he will have to edit it manually anyway.
Yes, I understand. I recognize that you're having to deal with first impressions, and regardless what the 'users' do, bears an impact on what the percieved value of PunBB from the very start. However, with a bit of implementing the Feedback and Help Docs, this shouldn't be too big a problem to overcome.
5) Is there no means to 'preview' a entry prior to posting it? I thought this was almost strange, so maybe I missed it. I run a very popular BBS called There are a ton of people who post applescript code in their entries, so being able to preview would be hard to live without. I'd be burned at the stake if I used a board without that feature alone. :>)
It's on the todo list.
Cool, thanks!
6) Provide a mechanism in the Admin form, to make 'code' look pretty. This would be similar to php color coded code function, however I'm sure it would work well with just about any flavor.
Not sure about this. I think it's "fluff"
Another way to look at this from a programetical point of view, would be to allow iframes in post entries, so that users could post their code, and it would show up in the threads as a iframe. Obviously, browser bugs would have to be considered in that endeavour, but it might be worth exploring too.
Something along those lines is being worked on. Not involving iframes though.
Groovy - this would be pretty nifty! - Please don't discount making the code readable, or 'pretty' as 'fluff' - If you do, seriously, then please take a look at our bbs and you would soon change your mind. Whole farms of scripts were written, just so users could post pretty, and intelligable code on our forum. :>)
7) Provide a way for users to email a particular post when viewing it. This would be akin to "mail this entry to a friend" feature. And, seems like it could be placed easy enough in the layout without interfering with your current design, from a strict GUI point of view.
We run vBulletin over at and it has a "E-mail this topic to a friend" feature. It is however hardly ever used.
IMHO, I feel it depends on who your audience is. In our case, users sending code all over the joint. :>)
Besides, if other developers are doing it, why not implement it too? This is akin to Real Estate agents advertising in the newspaper. They all hate it, but no one is willing to remove themselves from the ad space, only because their competitors are there. So in effect it's become a catch 22.
If it makes you feel any better, I know our crowd would use it. :>)
8) Data management is a BIG thing. The very reason I am playing with PunBB now, is the fact I just had a nightmare happen on my forum. Not enough time to go through this now, but you can bet that I'll never go through that crap again.
Anyway, a way to; a) backup the DB, b) synchronize the bbs, c) repair DB, etc, would be a very welcome thing here. Even if you set it up as a separate and distinct script, it would be worth having. That way, you could concentrate on keeping the Admin section clean, until you decided to implement it into your app at a later time [ie: sorta like utilities].
Making an admin module for such things will be easy.
Yes, and I apologize. When looking for your RSS script above, I noticed the synchronise script, plus some other stuff in the "Scripts" folder.
Thanks for your time Rickard - I know developing this stuff is one thing - Programming and replying to these posts is a wholey different matter. Do you sleep? :>)
I have another list too, but I was afraid I was already writing a novel as it was. <g>
141 2004-04-25 04:17
Topic: Request: Integrate RSS feeds | Send Digests | Preview Entries (14 replies, posted in Feature requests)
Hi Rickard, all ...
As a newcomer to PunBB, I have to say I like it a lot. I recognize it may not be as wide spread, or known as say, phpbb, vBulletin and the others, but regardless IMHO it's very clean, implemented well and fast. Fast being a key word here. :>) Kudos!!!
Ok, here are my immediate requests. - I apologize if these have already been asked for in another post. Also, please forgive my ignorance here, as I am new to PunBB. On the other hand, please regard my pleas seriously, as they are geared towards what would be considered most modern, or commercial forums that exist today.
1) Please integrate RSS feeds, as most board operators depend on this a lot. Not only would it increase PunBB's perceived value, nowadays, it's just a must in any 'modern' BBS.
2) When considering the above, please include a 'feeder' script [ie: feeder.php], so that board admins will be able to readily incorporate their feeds into other pages of their website without a another hack they have to find elsewhere. In my case for example, I have a rss feed on our cover, that lists the last 10 posts on our forum.
3) Please consider implementing a broadcast digest. Some time ago, I used webBBS, and it had a Admin feature to send out digests, say, every Monday, or X day of all the posts up until that time. This was a very popular feature, and my current Forum [phpbb] does not have this. It is sorely missed.
4) I recognize from an earlier post about providing the templates in the Admin directly, however in the case of users 'not getting it' when they install, they're not going to get it anyway. To me, providing the ability to edit the template files directly outweighs the fact people can't read. The needs of many outweigh the few in this case. :>)
Perhaps you could chown at install, however I have no idea how hard that would be to implement in the installer.
5) Is there no means to 'preview' a entry prior to posting it? I thought this was almost strange, so maybe I missed it. I run a very popular BBS called There are a ton of people who post applescript code in their entries, so being able to preview would be hard to live without. I'd be burned at the stake if I used a board without that feature alone. :>)
6) Provide a mechanism in the Admin form, to make 'code' look pretty. This would be similar to php color coded code function, however I'm sure it would work well with just about any flavor.
Another way to look at this from a programetical point of view, would be to allow iframes in post entries, so that users could post their code, and it would show up in the threads as a iframe. Obviously, browser bugs would have to be considered in that endeavour, but it might be worth exploring too.
7) Provide a way for users to email a particular post when viewing it. This would be akin to "mail this entry to a friend" feature. And, seems like it could be placed easy enough in the layout without interfering with your current design, from a strict GUI point of view.
8) Data management is a BIG thing. The very reason I am playing with PunBB now, is the fact I just had a nightmare happen on my forum. Not enough time to go through this now, but you can bet that I'll never go through that crap again.
Anyway, a way to; a) backup the DB, b) synchronize the bbs, c) repair DB, etc, would be a very welcome thing here. Even if you set it up as a separate and distinct script, it would be worth having. That way, you could concentrate on keeping the Admin section clean, until you decided to implement it into your app at a later time [ie: sorta like utilities].
In summation, I suspect that some of the stuff I've mentioned could be implemented as Mods. However, if you could manage to integrate them into PunBB directly, that would be very kewl. :>)
Thanks for Your Consideration, and keep up the great work!