that code is not anywhere in common.php
The code I quoted is in include/common.php
The error that you might have would be in lang/[your language]/common.php
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PunBB Forums → Posts by Smartys
that code is not anywhere in common.php
The code I quoted is in include/common.php
The error that you might have would be in lang/[your language]/common.php
I'd check the common.php file for the language you're using, because there's a small PunBB thing that causes it not to display an error
The fix is (hopefully this should work):
Open common.php
// Attempt to load the common language file
@include PUN_ROOT.'lang/'.$pun_user['language'].'/common.php';
if (!isset($lang_common))
exit('There is no valid language pack \''.pun_htmlspecialchars($pun_user['language']).'\' installed. Please reinstall a language of that name.');
// Attempt to load the common language file
if (!file_exists(PUN_ROOT.'lang/'.$pun_user['language'].'/common.php'))
exit('There is no valid language pack \''.pun_htmlspecialchars($pun_user['language']).'\' installed. Please reinstall a language of that name.');
include PUN_ROOT.'lang/'.$pun_user['language'].'/common.php';
if (!isset($lang_common))
exit('Loading the language pack \''.pun_htmlspecialchars($pun_user['language']).'\' failed.');
I'm not sure, but could it be because you moved <div class="box"> to be before the <span> with posted date/time rather than after?
Edit: articles.php on your site has an SQL inject via the articleid $_GET variable
I think the cause is the second stylesheet, the Wordpress one. I checked out the register page, for example, and it had some funky layout stuff as well. However, when I used my Web Designer toolbar to disable the Wordpress CSS file, everything looked fine.
Searching for username:
File: /home/connor/public_html/mypunbb/v3/forum/admin_users.php
Line: 304
PunBB reported: Unable to fetch user info
Database reported: Unknown column 'u.forumd' in 'where clause' (Errno: 1054)
Failed query: SELECT, u.username,, u.title, u.num_posts, u.admin_note, g.g_id, g.g_user_title FROM mpbbv3_users AS u LEFT JOIN mpbbv3_groups AS g ON g.g_id=u.group_id WHERE u.forumd=2 AND>1 AND u.username LIKE 'admin' ORDER BY username ASC
Mine (Adsense/Sitemaps)
Err, that doesn't mean I can go to in a browser and see the file
If it does mean that (I really don't know what the different chmod numericals mean), then it means that someone would have to have some level of access to the server to read it.
The issue (I believe) is that Apache runs as a different user than, say, you when you upload things to the server via FTP or SFTP. Thus, you can't chmod it such that only your user can read it. If your server is set up in such a way, then chmodding it so only you can read it is what you should do.
But remember, the reason the file has to be readable is so PunBB knows what the database info is. It's the same for every other piece of PHP software I've seen
Your readme looks incorrect: I can't see where you edit post.php
Also, if you change last post time whenever someone edits but not last poster, etc, aren't you just confusing people?
I have a feeling that's not a default MySQL 5 setup (or even just one with strict enabled), because the only issues I've seen phpBB have with MySQL 5 were small (ie: I think the install script didn't work because of an incorrect default value). What mode are they running it in? :-/
I'd test and see, but PunBB should work fine. If it doesn't, I'm sure the amount it takes to change it is small
No, read what it says
You're showing me PHP, it can't be saved as HTML and expected to work
OK, I'm going to walk you through the steps:
- Save the PHP as ads.php
- Put it in include/user in the forum directory
- Put <pun_include "ads.php"> in the template where you want the ads
That wasn't my suggestion
My suggestion was to follow the FAQ entry and use <pun_include>. And your HTML still looks like this:
<div id="adserver">
if (@include(getenv('DOCUMENT_ROOT').'/tpd/adserver/')) {
if (!isset($phpAds_context)) $phpAds_context = array();
$phpAds_raw = view_raw ('zone:1', 0, '', '', '0', $phpAds_context);
echo $phpAds_raw['html'];
Looking at your HTML, I now see the problem
<div id="adserver">
if (include(getenv('DOCUMENT_ROOT').'/tpd/adserver/')) {
if (!isset($phpAds_context)) $phpAds_context = array();
$phpAds_raw = view_raw ('zone:1', 0, '', '', '0', $phpAds_context);
echo $phpAds_raw['html'];
PHP is not allowed directly in the templates. You'll want to look at this
Edit: Silly messed up BBCode
If you want to test, remove the @ before the include and see if you get a warning
Yes, it has been mentioned before, but don't worry, I had quite a bit of trouble finding it via search also. A great as it is, search is not foolproof.
Anyway, some sort of protection sounds like a good idea to me, that is if it's not already planned (I vaguely remember reading a forum post saying so, but I just got through a major essay cramming session and I'm tired, so who knows, my brain could be playing tricks on me).
My search was easy compared to yours, I entered Rickard as the author and "1.3" (without the quotes) as the keywords
Nuam: That is a bad script, very prone to SQL injections
The only multi-hosting script I know of that is decent is
PunBB is forum software. It does not come with ads.
PunBBForFree is not affiliated with PunBB, it simply provides free hosting (which I'd assume the owner tries to cover using ad revenue).
You'd have to ask your question in the support forums over there.
Smartys, can you show me how to remove the search index from my backup.sql ?
Sure. Just delete any insert queries for prefixsearch_cache, prefixsearch_matches, or prefixsearch_words (where prefix is your DB prefix).
That's mod_security using an old, out-dated ruleset which incorrectly stops PunBB from working. As Elzard said, talk to your host about it
Like I said, be patient
But I dont want them to be able to make another person moderator or admin
Be a little more patient
That's a REALLY un-necessary feature
Just use Firefox with the Web Designer extension (or others, I just know that one happens to have the feature) and you can create an alternate stylesheet to use
It doesn't show up in Firefox either
I'm getting 404s on every page
I figured that was what it was
Try doing a search for "(errno: 145) (Errno: 1016)" or "Unable to fetch post info" and you should come up with a bunch of topics that all saying the same thing: run repair on whatever table is coming back corrupted (in this case, punbb_posts)
Do that, then post the error
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