[I love] you [guys]
Dedicated from Kiefer to all your idiot community.
The reBLog was up just to prove my point ... so ... just [shove] off .. you cannot touch the Binary ARTS team.
It's bedtime for you.
Edits are mine
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PunBB Forums → Posts by Smartys
[I love] you [guys]
Dedicated from Kiefer to all your idiot community.
The reBLog was up just to prove my point ... so ... just [shove] off .. you cannot touch the Binary ARTS team.
It's bedtime for you.
Edits are mine
Soon I will release the first version of the Revo Blogging System.
Key features
# ? Static pages - Create and manage static pages.
# ? Menu - Customizable menu.
# ? Flexible CSS markup - Applies to W3C standards.
# ? Multi-langual interface - You can easily translate reBlog into your language, or download language files from here.
# ? Censoring - Ability to censor certain words. This can also be used to hilite words.
# ? Post archive - Posts are automaticly organised into the archive. This can easily be disabled.
# ? Blocks - reBlog comes with a variety of blocks. These blocks can easily be enabled/disabled and positioned to match your needs. You can also easily add custom blocks (requires some basic HTML knowledge though).
# ? Calendar - Posts are automaticly assigned to the calendar.
# ? Easy to customize - By using templates, styles and language files reBlog becomes very flexible and integration into existing site designs made easier.
# ? Time Zones - Support for different time zones.
# ? Manage posts - Edit, save drafts, preview and publish your posts.
# ? Manage images - Upload, organize and publish your images.
# ? Multiple categories - Organise your posts into different categories to keep your blog structured.
# ? Formatting using BBCodes - reBlog makes use of BBCodes which are often used by forums and very easy to learn.
# ? Syndication using RSS Feeds and/or plain HTML (XHTML 1.0 valid) - Applies to the RSS 2.0 specifications.
# ? Trackback and trackback ping - Applies to Six Apart's trackback specifications.
# ? Search - Let your visitors search for posts in your post database.
# ? User comments - Users can leave comments on specific posts (the comments can even be formatted using BBCodes). User comments can also be disabled.
# ? XHTML 1.0 Strict - Applies to W3C standards.
# ? URL rewriting - Support for URL rewriting using mod_rewrite (Apache only) for user friendly URLs.
it appears to be sBlog. Connorhd could confirm this since he works with sBlog alot.
Meh, I think you might be right (remind me never to get involved with software I don't know )
compared to … eblog.html
And found the style!
don't bother, actually I think that' s their creation .. the code is 100% different from wordpress...
Since I don't have a copy of Wordpress running and the source code hasn't been released yet, I compared it with this:
Don't tell me it's 100% different
Wow, are they copying Wordpress too?
I actually just saw that
Going to report that to the Wordpress people now
Sadly, I only have the other admin's cell number (no, I haven't called)
Yes, they are really idiots. Have you ever heard of irony guys? Just a bunch of stupid, zit-full idiots who enjoy coming to other people's forums and make fun. Get a life guys. And work on that script, else I will be forced to post some serious bugs I noticed today , on many forums and I bet that would really drop your rating.
It's too bad my email to him bounced, I've emailed Lutz Henckel again about it. | Still doesn't exist again though
Oh, and the word PunBB appears to be censored now
Edit: Mmm, Elzar, did someone on that forum steal your name?
the project revo-forum which is hosted at BerliOS was suspended until
the allegation was clarified. Contact the administrator of these
Kiefer Andrew Kale <>Regards
Lutz Henckel
And it appears their site is down
Look at your CSS file, something is really wrong with it
pogenwurst wrote:Smartys wrote:How old is this guy, really? 12?
Sounds about right. … php?id=102
Due to the fact that this website experienced some high amount of traffic coming from two referrers only, I decided to suspend registrations for some time (you can of course e-mail me for a account request and I will create it), removed some accounts and even banned users that were showing offensive behavior.
As for you, Mediator, the one who sais that MY code is copyrighted by you, are-n you the same guy who said he wrote Mozilla Firefox, developped the C++ language with Bjarne and drove the McLaren car at the last F1 Championship? What code dude is copyrighted by you? Tell me those line of code and I will prove you that you are so wrong. I bet you copyrighted too the IPB and perhaps Joomla/Mambo...I asked you nicely to stop claiming things that aren't yours, but you still behave like some original jerks, so I will BAN all traffic which comes from the two referrars (and you know them). I already e-mailed the BerliOS administrators with a request to block all traffic coming onto the project page.
OpenSource will not die because some people just want to crush anything that's better than their product. I installed your forum today ... and ... as its name says, it's a puny forum. perhaps all the guys who visited this website today can contribute to YOUR forum and make it better instead of claiming other people code.
*starts laughing really hard *
Highlight the upper right of your banner in IE
I saw that when I was looking around
In fact, it wants you to enter some info for the install: lucky me, I just disabled Javascript and it didn't say a word
How interesting (when you try to refer someone)
Set-Cookie: punreferrer=42; expires=Sun, 12-Feb-06 17:05:29 GMT
In fact, I searched the code (the current code, not the CVS which steals even more stuff) for "pun" and found 150+ entries. Some don't prove anything, but most do
BerliOS Developer respects the intellectual property of all parties and we ask our users to do the same. If a user or other third party believes that its Content has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, that user or third party should provide BerliOS Developer with the following information: (a) an electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright interest; (b) a description of the copyrighted work that has been infringed; (c) a description of where the allegedly infringing material is located on the Website; (d) the affected user or third party's address, telephone number and email address; (e) a statement by the affected user or third party that he or she has a good faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent or the law; and (f) a statement by the affected user or third party, under penalty of perjury, that the above information is accurate and that such user or third party is the copyright owner or is otherwise authorized to act on the copyright owner's behalf. If BerliOS Developer receives such a claim, BerliOS Developer reserves the right to refuse or delete Content as described under Section 4 hereto, or to terminate a user's account in accordance with Section 7.
Sounds... fun … out_kiefer … ectionid=3
Someone might want to tell them that their forum software violates copyrights
roflmao, the default style is set to Oxygen.css
(There is no Oxygen.css file that he has btw)
rofl, I just tried installing it: it doesn't even install properly, the config.php it generated for me was
<?= htmlspecialchars($config) ?>
Aha, the cause is a reliance on short-tags
Mmm, I just checked, he included my Sitemap mod without the GPL clause in it :-/
PunBB already works well out of the box
Redo the install instructions for post.php
Then the Cash Mod won't work properly
Same error, which means you made a mistake when install the Cash Mod (which makes more sense, since I didn't think the chat mod affected post.php
PunBB Forums → Posts by Smartys
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