It's not a PunBB thing, your server seems to be sending this in the request
Content-Type: image/png
You'll have to see what's causing that


(18 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Steve: Except the link isn't to PunBB (he didn't make it right) and the copyright still can be confusing tongue


(18 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Hacked enough to make the site time out? I doubt it tongue


(18 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Steve Castle wrote:

The following looks as if it has changed from before on the site: wrote:

Powered by
© Copyright 2005?2007 Matt dingle
Special thanks to PunnBB/Rick for giving me the grounds


Nope, it was like that when I looked at it (although now I do get a timeout) smile
However, the copyright is illegal (I think). I didn't notice it anywhere other then the forum, and as the copyright FAQ says

Q: May I add my own copyright to the page footer?
Yes, but you may not alter the original copyright in such a way that it loses it's original "meaning". It must, in other words, still be absolutely clear who is the copyright holder of PunBB. Adding an additional line with your copyright notice is ok.


(18 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Or PunBB, or make a link properly tongue
Oh, and are you allowed to hotlink content from ebaumsworld?

OK, then my idea will work well big_smile


(17 replies, posted in Feature requests)

There's already a mod for this I think wink

That's a feature Rickard was thinking for 1.3 I believe
What you can do, so you can do this without modding, is change the forum permissions so that people can't post new topics. Then, you create another forum, and set it so people can't read it but can post new threads in it. Post the posting link for the second forum in the description of the first. Mods can read the second, if it's OK they move it to the real forum.
It gets a bit harder if you want to moderate posts as well (and would probably end up being a mod then)


(15 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Connor is hosting it, I think Chacmool just needs to set it up smile


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

Yeah wink
Dunno what the deal is this time though


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Which is why he uses ../ when including it wink
I think Tobi is probably right


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)


    $backup_file_name = (!empty($HTTP_POST_FILES['backup_file']['name'])) ? $HTTP_POST_FILES['backup_file']['name'] : "";
    $backup_file_tmpname = ($HTTP_POST_FILES['backup_file']['tmp_name'] != "none") ? $HTTP_POST_FILES['backup_file']['tmp_name'] : "";
    $backup_file_type = (!empty($HTTP_POST_FILES['backup_file']['type'])) ? $HTTP_POST_FILES['backup_file']['type'] : "";
    if($backup_file_tmpname == "" || $backup_file_name == "")
        message('No file was uploaed or the upload failed, the database was not restored');
    if( preg_match("/^(text\/[a-zA-Z]+)|(application\/(x\-)?gzip(\-compressed)?)|(application\/octet-stream)$/is", $backup_file_type) )
        if( preg_match("/\.gz$/is",$backup_file_name) )
            $do_gzip_compress = FALSE;
            $phpver = phpversion();
            if($phpver >= "4.0")
                    $do_gzip_compress = TRUE;
                $gz_ptr = gzopen($backup_file_tmpname, 'rb');
                $sql_query = "";
                while( !gzeof($gz_ptr) )
                    $sql_query .= gzgets($gz_ptr, 100000);
                message('Sorry the database could not be restored');
            $sql_query = fread(fopen($backup_file_tmpname, 'r'), filesize($backup_file_tmpname));
        message('Error the file name or file format caused an error, the database was not restored');

If the backup isn't gzipped:

$sql_query = fread(fopen('backup.sql', 'r'), filesize('backup.sql'));

If it is

                $gz_ptr = gzopen($backup_file_tmpname, 'rb');
                $sql_query = "";
                while( !gzeof($gz_ptr) )
                    $sql_query .= gzgets($gz_ptr, 100000);

Then, upload the backup via FTP or another method into the plugins directory, go to the db management, type anything in the box, and submit the form. Wait, and it should restore.

Tell me if it doesn't work wink


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

As much as I hate to link there... tongue

(Although now that I read that, another option seems better, since most people can't edit phpmyadmin's files)
I'll get the edit for the DB Management mod in a sec tongue


(124 replies, posted in News)

Nah, I agree: it doesn't look all that worthwhile (although screenshots might be nice tongue)

Edit: Keep in mind I haven't donated, so my opinion doesn't really count smile

I think I know the cause smile
from lottery.php

$db->query('UPDATE '.$db->prefix.'config SET conf_value=\''.$pun_user['username'].' last won the lottery and won '.$pun_config['cm_lottery_pot'].' '.$pun_config['cm_cur_name'].'.\' WHERE conf_name=\'cm_lottery_pot\' LIMIT 1');

So, if someone won and then immediately won again, they would get that freaky message tongue
And it makes sense that it's at random: the if statement uses rand tongue

You don't disable anything by uncommenting, you enable the sending of a header that IE seems to be picky about in some cases. It probably won't work, but it's worth a try

No, if it works it's a long term solution tongue

PunBB can't possibly work without cookies wink

I'm using XP
You might want to try uncommenting the P3P line in the pun_setcookie function in functions.php

Well, it works fine for me...



(1 replies, posted in General discussion)

Only that Rickard was looking into changing PunBB's group system for 1.3


(67 replies, posted in News)

Speechless wrote:

how could u be right? connorhd

Because it is unpredictable wink
I might find a security bug tomorrow, or I might not find one for a month, or I might not find another one (I'm leaning toward the last one, since I haven't really been able to find much of anything else). Same with everyone else


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Well, assuming you're using 1.2.5 (which you shouldn't, you should upgrade) the problem might be this

*hides Pie back in his box*
Sorry folks, no idea how he got out tongue