Nah, I wouldn't say that, I could write a mod to do it tonight: I'm just at school now so it's harder
6,676 2005-09-22 15:19
Re: I've even got that "noob" smell - basic questions (I searched :( ) (32 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
6,677 2005-09-22 15:17
Re: forums / categories (9 replies, posted in Feature requests)
Well, since it's MyPunBB, you can't, since you're not hosting the files
All you can do is
A. Talk to Connor and try to convince him to add the subforums mod
B. Go host a PunBB forum on your own webspace
6,678 2005-09-22 13:20
Re: I've even got that "noob" smell - basic questions (I searched :( ) (32 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
OK, then it isn't writing the cache config file
I'll see what I can do in terms of a quick fix
Edit: I can't find one, the cache is too well integrated
I mean, it can be done, but it involves changing lines in a bunch of files, and I would want to test it first
6,679 2005-09-22 12:42
Re: I've even got that "noob" smell - basic questions (I searched :( ) (32 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
That IS the actual index file that's supposed to be there
I think someone needs to make a mod to disable cache
Edit: Does what other files are in the cache folder?
6,680 2005-09-21 21:07
Re: We could use the cache here... (4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)
Yes, but it's one less query!
6,681 2005-09-21 20:39
Topic: We could use the cache here... (4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)
Checking out admin_ranks.php we could use the ranks cache
Same with admin_bans (assuming we change cache.php to use the order clause for it, which is probably a good idea to do anyway)
Oh, and my feature request for caching censoring will just go here too, because it's on topic and I'm sitting at school bored
6,682 2005-09-21 20:22
Re: Allow admin/moderators to embed PHP in posts? (13 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
As Rod said, one good use for this is posts which update themselves from content stored elsehwere e.g. a dynamically updated to do list, bug list or faq.
Yeah, but when I read the post I was thinking about the security implications of mods (and even admins) being able to write arbitrary PHP
The include makes me feel a bit better
6,683 2005-09-21 20:16
Re: I've even got that "noob" smell - basic questions (I searched :( ) (32 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
The cookie seed should be fine as it is
What you should do is edit include/common.php and enable debug mode and paste the full error here so we can tell you what the exact problem with your database is
6,684 2005-09-21 14:18
Re: Allow admin/moderators to embed PHP in posts? (13 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
Correct: I'm curious though, why in the world would you want someone to be able to run arbitrary PHP on your server?
6,685 2005-09-21 14:17
Re: I've even got that "noob" smell - basic questions (I searched :( ) (32 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Aha, found the problem!
You uploaded your files to
You were supposed to upload the CONTENTS of the upload folder to /forum
6,686 2005-09-20 23:34
Re: Look! This is the country named China! (18 replies, posted in General discussion)
I'm in USA (NYC), took me < 1 minute to load: and I have DSL
6,687 2005-09-20 10:25
Re: [Release] Global Topic (25 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
Like all plugins, it's a simple "upload to the plugins directory" type install
And plugins by their very nature affect nothing just by putting them into the directory, and there's no installation.
All it does is what it says it does
6,689 2005-09-19 22:38
Re: Profile.php problem (8 replies, posted in Programming)
form[charname] I think (for the <input> name attribute)
6,690 2005-09-18 21:12
Re: the size of the database. (4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Change the permissions of all the groups so that they can't use search, and truncate the search tables (oh, and then you'll have to edit the files so that the search table doesn't get filled in when people post).
6,691 2005-09-18 17:37
Re: Converting phpBB->punBB ... phpBB prefix probs (6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Well, I found the cause for myself: I had an old CVS version of Olympus installed that I was trying to convert, thinking that it was 2.0.x
6,692 2005-09-18 13:45
Re: A link sektion (3 replies, posted in Feature requests)
6,693 2005-09-18 10:48
Re: Converting phpBB->punBB ... phpBB prefix probs (6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
And you chose the right database for it, the MySQL user for PunBB has permission on that database, etc?
Edit: I'm having issues as well, and this didn't happenlast time I used the convertor :-/
6,694 2005-09-18 10:45
Re: Fatal error: Call to undefined function imagecreatefromgif() (3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
That's not PunBB, that's the gallery mod.
You need GD with your PHP for it to work
6,695 2005-09-17 22:06
Re: Post status indicators (6 replies, posted in Programming)
lol, you messed up the code you pasted from the file, so my code was messed up
6,697 2005-09-17 21:13
Re: Remote Avatar (19 replies, posted in Feature requests)
The function checks the images and then caches them, I don't exactly remember where it is but I can certainly dig it up somewhere.
And caching for 90 seconds is only really helpful if you have a board where you'll have hundreds of people looking every 90 seconds, versus one or two every 90 seconds (or less).
And atm, when a user views the thread again, they can load a cached version of the image if it hasn't changed. Not so with this file.
6,698 2005-09-17 20:58
Re: Post status indicators (6 replies, posted in Programming)
No, I was thinking more like this:
if ($cur_topic['moved_to'] != 0)
$subject = $lang_forum['Moved'].': <a href="viewtopic.php?id='.$cur_topic['moved_to'].'">'.pun_htmlspecialchars($cur_topic['subject']).'</a> <span class="byuser">'.$lang_common['by'].' '.pun_htmlspecialchars($cur_topic['poster']).'</span>';
if ($cur_topic['moved_to'] != 0)
$icon_type = 'imoved';
$subject = $lang_forum['Moved'].': <a href="viewtopic.php?id='.$cur_topic['moved_to'].'">'.pun_htmlspecialchars($cur_topic['subject']).'</a> <span class="byuser">'.$lang_common['by'].' '.pun_htmlspecialchars($cur_topic['poster']).'</span>';
6,699 2005-09-17 20:50
Re: Remote Avatar (19 replies, posted in Feature requests)
Tx: There's already a function that does exactly that for the img tags.
But the reason you don't make it a wrapper is that you don't want to be downloading the image to your servers everytime someone views the thread, since you're just leeching bandwidth then, and you don't want to be caching it either, since people who create dynamic sigs using PHP will be annoyed
6,700 2005-09-17 20:35
Re: Post status indicators (6 replies, posted in Programming)
Check the while loop for $cur_topic in viewforum.php
Specifically the icon_type variable