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There are many fields in my user table that I don't use, mostly the IM fields but also a few others - MSN, AIM, JABBER (who uses jabber any more haha), etc.
I've also modified my UI to hide these fields wherever they exist and also modified my queries to never select them.
My question is, is there any performance benefit in me deleting them to reduce my database field count, size, etc.
Also - would deleting these fields make future punbb updates difficult? I know updates will always be a pain for me anyway since I have a highly custom modded forum.
I've had a few users report that they are having problems after I have updated from 1.216 to 1.217. Aparently only people with more than one computer are having this problem (I'm guessing their computers share the same IP address - would that cause problems?).
Here's some messages from users:
1. Well since im on this computer somehow i can get on but on my otherone it will let me log in but i cant go to profile or anything the only things i can do are stuff when your not logged in but im logged in and i tried clearing my temp internet files and my cookies
2. I have this problem too, only when I enter my username+password, after I click login, it just refreshes or something and I can't log in. I can log in fine from my laptop, but not on the computer. ehhhh
Anyone interested in working on this?
I would guess it would be popular. C'mon we're all missing out on potential members - get them all back to your site to participate in your forums. It's like free advertising with a very high return rate
It would also need to be able to generate the same welcome email with the link to verify membership so it's not as simple as just broadcasting a generic one-off email to all users.
Edited: I believe it would actually need to generate a new password and include that in the email since passwords are MD5 and can't be retrieved.
I have 3000 users in my database with group_id = 32000 i.e. unconfirmed members.
I would LOVE a mod that allows me to send of a reminder email to these members to encourage them to come back and finish their registration and re-visit my site.
Is there a mod for this yet? If not it sounds like something everyone could use.
It would need to verify unconfirmed members with a registered time longer than probably 1 week (in case new registered members just haven't gotten to finishing their registration yet)
Thanks Smarty - the user has insisted they have tried this but I understand it is impossible.
I'm wondering if they have a browser "remember this password" feature in IE or FF, if it might be automatically logging them back in?
Either way - user error
Smartys suggestion was that it might be a domain issue - visiting www vs. non-www domains, however I have all pages on my site without a WWW redirecting to a and the issue is continuing.
I've asked a user to clear all their cookies, browser cache, and to uncheck the "remember me" feature and they are still unable to log out. Does anyone have suggestions on things to look for to help this issue.
If I change the site cookie seed would it log everyone out and require a new cookie be set?
Thanks for the email Smartys - I appreciate it.
I will try your suggestions you sent via email. If it works I will post the results here for others.
A few users on my forum have reported that they are not being logged out correctly.
This is a message from one user...
"whenever i try to log out it says it logging out and redirecting but after that it doesn't log me out and just refreshes i dont know what is wrong with this"
Any ideas? Logging out is working for most people.
It is highly possible this (and other) users have more than one account and perhaps they have cookies for more than one account???
Any suggestions welcome.
haha It's the same thing just a different way of using text to do the same thing.
forget me checked would do the same thing as remember me unchecked or vice versa.
[ ] forget me = [x] remember me
[x] forget me = [ ] remember me
OK just to prevent confusiong...
I want a remember me checkbox on the login page. I will change the text myself and make it unchecked
or just read this thread:
I posted a request for this feature also. I'm amazed that people don't realize the importance of a "remember me" checkbox on a login screen. The point here is that users who don't manually logout are usually non-advanced users who don't visit their profile page either because they are lazy or just don't know how to.
I can point you to any site that has a "remember me" checkbox on their login page for this very reason - people need to make this decision when they login as they may be at school, or in an internet cafe quickly checking their forum and they know they don't want the site to remember them at that time.
Examples of sites with a "remember me" checkbox on login: punbb, gmail, yahoo mail, live mail/hotmail, oh wait - isn't it almost every site on the internet that has this feature?
I'll do this myself I know they're on those pages - that defeats the purpose of this whole thread. You've seen "I'm on a public computer" and "forget me" checkboxes on login pages all across the net right? There's a reason websites keep using this feature
Not on the login page - it's only on the profile/privacy page right?
You can't expect all users to logout - by nature most people do not. By default people expect to be timed out when they close a browser. Of course it's a users problem if they don't logout but it's our job as site owners to make that step easier by giving them this option when they log in.
There are many cases where userdata is not reset - including offices, school and universities.
I guess the only solution I can think of is a checkbox on the login page that does the exact same thing as the "save password" on the profile/privacy page.
I was just hoping someone had already done this to save me time
Wow - nobody interested in this feature?
I thought I saw a post on this once but can't for the life of me find it.
I would like a "do not remember me" feature for public users who use internet cafes, librarys, schools, etc.
This would be a checkbox on the login page that says "This is a public computer, do not remember my password" - so users that have their account settings to "remember me" can check this and it does not remember them (either changes their account remember me setting or does not set the "remember me cookie" for this session.
Any ideas? Has someone already one this?
Hmmm interesting thanks Smartys. I'll have a look at the redirect code. I might work on a way to pass a redirect message to the header so it spits out a confirmation message at the top of the redirected page. Personally I prefer that type of behavior myself.
Thanks Mark
Just wondering if it's safe to set the redirect function to 0. I'm guessing it's advised against this for users without javascript?
Does anyone know of a way to easily remove this redirect screen - it feels like a very outdated experience for users and users are complaining that is just very annoying.
I've read that info before and it's not totally clear to me.
"current user's last visit data" - I'm guessing this count towards the users online status? is there any other feature tied to the last visit data?
As my post says, I do want visits on all pages to count towards the online status so I DO NOT use PUN_QUIET_VISIT correct?
Could someone explain to me exactly how this variable works.
I am using punbb as the shell to a site:
My forums live in
I've pulled the "who's online code" to an external page outside of the forum:
All I want is any visit on any page of my site regardless if it's in the forum or on a page in the root directory to keep the status of who's online.
Should I have PUN_QUIET_VISIT on or off for pages outside of my forum? Would visit to these pages still get registered to my who's online page if I do this?
It's almost February - how long do you all think the Christmas theme will be on the homepage? Until next year Christmas?
I wasn't too descriptive with my post
I can see this information is available via the search.php page - I just wanted a way to display a list of this information on another page on my site.
<Recent 10 Posts by user>
I would like to display recent activity by userID - is there a mod for this?
I don't want Posts started by user - I also want any thread a user has contributed to.
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