another suggestion: at the very bottom between the last news block and the footer maybe put a link back to the news source's forum? "Archive..." or "More news..." maybe?

suggestion: make the title of each news story a link back to the thread. i know of the reply link but a guest gets an error page. also, take out the reply link for guests. other than those it's a great no hassle mod. big_smile

hcgtv wrote:

... very PunBB like I might add....

that's an insult to PunBB. EVE is a horrible piece of software. unnecessarily slow also. feels bloated for as stripped down as it is. my opinion of course.

now their(Ars) front end is something to behold. big_smile

a simpler version of the miniportal. i like it!


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

still around. tongue

what if YOU don't want your watermark to show on your site? wink

you mean the date format?

Admin > Options > Date format    change it to this "F-d-Y" without the quotes.

more formats here.

Languages and styles plugin in the downloads section here.


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

i think you should use a different theme. something that's not so burnt orange. something like minima but with the same color links as the rest of the site. other than that you've done a great job.

make sure it's a .php file and not a .php.txt file.

aim. on now...


(16 replies, posted in General discussion)

if so what's you poison? pc, console? current game?

mine is and always has been PC. i just purchased STALKER and am having a blast with it. really getting into the whole RPG/FPS combo. a very involved game. not to mention very nice eye candy throughout.

what's the best time to catch you online?


(9 replies, posted in Programming)

@ Q : are you trying to hide the url of the images? if so why not try something like simpleviewer or a similar flash based gallery? but i'm sure that's still not 100% foolproof. wink

quaker wrote:

lol... i never see online anymore? hidden from me? hahaha


no, i've been getting on mainly after work so it's pretty late.

i'm sure they could. would be a bit much for what this thing does. a full blown wysiwyg might be a bit heavy for a plain text editor like this. besides, i thought you we 1337 like that. wink

works fine for me too. i'm using it on my forums now.


(98 replies, posted in News)

wil be gone in 1.3.

can it be converted to something else first then PunBB? say to SMF, PHPBB, VB, etc?

that's pretty green. big_smile

1.3 and the extension system will allow mods to be installed WITHOUT touching PunBB source code.

good point, thanks for the reminder. wink


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

works just fine with 1.2.14

you might have to add 1.2.14 to the array in install_mod.php.