Try manually changing it in the database (o_maintenance) then clear the cache?

Bay IMG rocks, i had no idea it was by the Pirate Bay.

(Something funny on the side, go and look at the Pirate Bay legal appeals... FUNNY!)

My bad, i have no idea then.

I had this problem too until i upgraded to the latest RC. What version are you using?


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

You rock! It works perfecto.

Any chance of a release of this for RC?

I think everyone would love an extension so that guests can view Index and Viewforum, but not Viewtopic.

In other words, they can see the titles of topics but not the content without logging in.



(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

Actually, it shows whenever i'm in the avatar page:



(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

Running PunBB 1.3 RC; Using old database (not fresh install.)

When i upload an avatar, i recieve this error:

Notice: Undefined index: Avatar info change in /home/xxxxxx/public_html/xxxxxxxxxxxx/profile.php on line 2166

The avatar is still uploaded, and all works fine, but error always shows up.


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Has anyone tried this yet? I want all users to have a default avatar until they choose their own.

EDIT: Altered subject.


(20 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

Oh also, the icons, for visually impaired bingiman.


(20 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

bingiman wrote:

What is so fantastic about Oxygen Extended? Not trying to knock your work mate but c'mon. You simply changed the background color, added 2 bg images and called it extended. What is so extended about it?


Please note: "Merely a few simple changes"....

I made it clear that what you said is all that is changed, plus there is only so much you can do with the way PunBB styling is put together... Which is why there is literally a tiny tiny tiny amount of styles for PunBB.

This style is Oxygen... Extended.


(1 replies, posted in General discussion)

If you're not yet a Firefox user, the bet for IE8 has just come out: … fault.mspx


(23 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)


(20 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)



(1 replies, posted in General discussion)

Oh also, just a warning, i received an email supposedly from eBay today - a phishing scam:

From: eBay (orange-ebay-star251` 
Sent: Friday, 13 June 2008 4:27:41 AM 


We at eBay would like to congratulate you on obtaining feedback points and reaching the Fidelity Star level. 

In order to thank you for your active support of the eBay marketplace and your dedication in obtaining feedback points, something that's integral to the success of the marketplace, eBay would like to offer a token of our esteem for all of your hard work and dedication. 

eBay is sending out this thank you and invitation to receive free gifts we are offering to our community members who attained the Fidelity Star level. Below you have the promotion code needed to become eligible for this promotion.

Promotion Code: 3830924 

To activate the gift, just go to and insert the promotion code .

Thank you

The link to eBay actually lead to this address: … 4cr35r23Z/

Which i think has been removed already. But watch out for it, apparently there will always be people wanting to steal eBay accounts.


(1 replies, posted in General discussion)

For ebay whores: if you want to find items with no reserve through the search type:

(no reserve, nr)

Followed by the category or item you want big_smile



(23 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

Actually not many people seem to want custom designed templates for their PunBB so i'll soon be running a site (when PunBB 1.3 is released) with many free templates. Of course still doing custom ones at a very reasonable price wink !
This will be one of the free ones - when it is fully developed. I'm having problems with the compatibility with IE. Grrrr.

On another note... Firefox 3 release sooon!!! WOOO!!


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

There is a large hole in PunBB 1.2.16 in the forgotten password script.

Application: PunBB <= 1.2.16
Severity: Weak random numbers lead to a blind password recovery vulnerability that allows account takeover
Risk: High
Vendor Status: Vendor has released PunBB 1.2.17 which fixes this issue. (Make sure you update ASAP if you haven't yet...)


   Quote from
   "PunBB is a fast and lightweight PHP-powered discussion board.
    It is released under the GNU General Public License. Its primary
    goals are to be faster, smaller and less graphically intensive as
    compared to other discussion boards. PunBB has fewer features
    than many other discussion boards, but is generally faster and
    outputs smaller, semantically correct XHTML-compliant pages."

   PunBB comes with a password reset feature that allows resetting a
   forgotten password. When a password reset is requested an email
   is sent to the user containing a new random password and an
   activation link that needs to be visited in order for the password
   change to become effective.
   Unfortunately it is possible due to several weak random numbers
   to determine the new random password and the activation link
   from the outside. This allows taking over any account on the
   forum including the administrator account.


   PunBB's password reset functionality uses internally mt_rand() to
   generate a new password and a new activation link that are both
   send to the user by email.
   Unfortunately PunBB initialises the mersenne twister random number
   generator on every request with a number between 0 and 1.000.000,
   depending on the current microsecond. This means there are only
   one million possible new passwords and new activation links. It
   would be possible to bruteforce this limited area, but the amount
   of time and traffic that would be required is huge.
   Because of this a better one shot solution was developed that
   allows to determine the new password and the new activation link
   from the result of the request that triggered the password reset.
   To understand how this is possible it is necessary to know that
   during the installation PunBB creates a "random" cookie seed that
   is used to store login data in the cookie during a visit. This
   cookie seed generation is not really random, because it is more
   or less the MD5 hash of the current timestamp. This means it is
   easily bruteforceable when the attacker has his own user account
   at the forum. He just needs to use his own login cookie and then
   check all seconds backwards from the date the admin account was
   created (see in memberlist).

   The second component required for the attack to work is PunBB's
   habit to return a cookie with a randomly generated password, when
   it receives a wrong login cookie. Because the cookie seed is known
   it can be used to check which one of the one million possible
   passwords was generated. By knowing the password we know the
   seed used in the call to mt_srand() which lets us predict all
   random numbers during the request.
   It should be obvious that using this attack on the request that
   triggers the password reset allows to blindly determine the new
   password and the new activation link in a few seconds. Both can
   then be used to takeover the attacked account.

Proof of Concept:

   SektionEins GmbH is not going to release a proof of concept
   exploit for this vulnerability.

Disclosure Timeline:

   15. February 2008 - Notified
   19. February 2008 - PunBB developers released PunBB 1.2.17
   20. February 2008 - Public Disclosure


   It is strongly recommended to upgrade to the latest version of
   PunBB which also fixes additional vulnerabilities reported by
   third parties.
   Grab your copy at:

It's likely the way that the hacker achieved Admin access to the forum.


(23 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

Original Oxygen:

1.3 Oxygen Redesign:

A few simple changes make it look heaps better:

Also a few requests for 1.3:
*The title and descriptions DIV should be joined to form 1 DIV.
*The layout .TPL files should be part of the templates and not the system.



(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

Like.... Every single PunBB file with .html links? Oh and why shouldn't i edit that file?


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

I edited my rewrite_rules.php and it now looks like this


  Copyright (C) 2002-2008

  This file is part of PunBB.

  PunBB is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
  by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
  or (at your option) any later version.

  PunBB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
  MA  02111-1307  USA


$pun_rewrite_rules = array(
    '/^topic[\/_-]?([0-9]+).*(new|last)[\/_-]?(post)?s?(\.msf?|\/)?$/i'                                                    =>    'viewtopic.php?id=$1&action=$2',
    '/^post[\/_-]?([0-9]+)(\.msf?|\/)?$/i'                                                                                    =>    'viewtopic.php?pid=$1',
    '/^(forum|topic)[\/_-]?([0-9]+).*[\/_-]p(age)?[\/_-]?([0-9]+)(\.msf?|\/)?$/i'                                            =>    'view$1.php?id=$2&p=$4',
    '/^(f|t)(orum|opic)[\/_-]?([0-9]+)[\/_-](rss|atom)(\.msf?|\/)?$/i'                                                        =>    'extern.php?action=feed&$1id=$3&type=$4',
    '/^(forum|topic)[\/_-]?([0-9]+).*(\.msf?|\/)?$/i'                                                                        =>    'view$1.php?id=$2',
    '/^new[\/_-]?reply[\/_-]?([0-9]+)(\.msf?|\/)?$/i'                                                                        =>    'post.php?tid=$1',
    '/^new[\/_-]?reply[\/_-]?([0-9]+)[\/_-]?quote[\/_-]?([0-9]+)(\.msf?|\/)?$/i'                                            =>    'post.php?tid=$1&qid=$2',
    '/^new[\/_-]?topic[\/_-]?([0-9]+)(\.msf?|\/)?$/i'                                                                        =>    'post.php?fid=$1',
    '/^(delete|edit)[\/_-]?([0-9]+)(\.msf?|\/)?$/i'                                                                        =>    '$1.php?id=$2',
    '/^(login|search|register)(\.msf?|\/)?$/i'                                                                                =>    '$1.php',
    '/^logout[\/_-]?([0-9]+)[\/_-]([a-z0-9]+)(\.msf?|\/)?$/i'                                                                =>    'login.php?action=out&id=$1&csrf_token=$2',
    '/^request[\/_-]?password(\.msf?|\/)?$/i'                                                                                =>    'login.php?action=forget',
    '/^user[\/_-]?([0-9]+)(\.msf?|\/)?$/i'                                                                                    =>    'profile.php?id=$1',
    '/^user[\/_-]?([0-9]+)[\/_-]?([a-z]+)(\.msf?|\/)?$/i'                                                                    =>    'profile.php?section=$2&id=$1',
    '/^(change|delete|upload)[\/_-]?(email|pass|avatar|user)(word)?[\/_-]?([0-9]+)(\.msf?|\/)?$/i'                            =>    'profile.php?action=$1_$2&id=$4',
    '/^change[\/_-]?(email|pass)(word)?[\/_-]?([0-9]+)[\/_-]([a-zA-Z0-9]+)(\.msf?|\/)?$/i'                                    =>    'profile.php?action=change_$1&id=$3&key=$4',
    '/^search[\/_-]?(new|recent|unanswered|subscriptions)(\.msf?|\/)?$/i'                                                    =>    'search.php?action=show_$1',
    '/^search[\/_-]?(new|recent|unanswered|subscriptions)[\/_-]p(age)?[\/_-]?([0-9]+)(\.msf?|\/)?$/i'                        =>    'search.php?action=show_$1&p=$3',
    '/^search[\/_-]?([0-9]+)(\.msf?|\/)?$/i'                                                                                =>    'search.php?search_id=$1',
    '/^search[\/_-]?([0-9]+)[\/_-]?p(age)?[\/_-]?([0-9]+)(\.msf?|\/)?$/i'                                                    =>    'search.php?search_id=$1&p=$3',
    '/^search[\/_-]?(posts|topics)[\/_-]?user[\/_-]?([0-9]+)(\.msf?|\/)?$/i'                                                =>    'search.php?action=show_user_$1&user_id=$2',
    '/^search[\/_-]?(posts|topics)[\/_-]?user[\/_-]?([0-9]+)[\/_-]?p(age)?[\/_-]?([0-9]+)(\.msf?|\/)?$/i'                    =>    'search.php?action=show_user_$1&user_id=$2&p=$4',
    '/^search\/k(.*)\/([0-9-]+)\/a(.*)\/(message|subject|all)\/([0-9]+)\/(ASC|DESC)\/(posts|topics)\/?$/i'                    =>    'search.php?action=search&keywords=$1&author=$3&forum=$2&search_in=$4&sort_by=$5&sort_dir=$6&show_as=$7',
    '/^search\/k(.*)\/([0-9-]+)\/a(.*)\/(message|subject|all)\/([0-9]+)\/(ASC|DESC)\/(posts|topics)\/page\/([0-9]+)\/?$/i'    =>    'search.php?action=search&keywords=$1&author=$3&forum=$2&search_in=$4&sort_by=$5&sort_dir=$6&show_as=$7&p=$8',
    '/^search-k(.*)-([0-9-]+)-a(.*)-(message|subject|all)-([0-9]+)-(ASC|DESC)-(posts|topics).msf?$/i'                        =>    'search.php?action=search&keywords=$1&author=$3&forum=$2&search_in=$4&sort_by=$5&sort_dir=$6&show_as=$7',
    '/^search-k(.*)-(message|subject|all)-a(.*)-([0-9]+)-(ASC|DESC)-([0-9-]+)-(posts|topics)-p([0-9]+).msf?$/i'            =>    'search.php?action=search&keywords=$1&author=$3&forum=$6&search_in=$2&sort_by=$4&sort_dir=$5&show_as=$7&p=$8',
    '/^users(\.msf?|\/)?$/i'                                                                                                =>    'userlist.php',
    '/^users\/(.*)\/([0-9-]+)\/?([a-z_]+)[\/_-]([a-zA-Z]+)[\/_-]p(age)?[\/_-]?([0-9]+)(\.msf?|\/)?$/i'                        =>    'userlist.php?username=$1&show_group=$2&sort_by=$3&sort_dir=$4&p=$6',
    '/^(email|report|subscribe|unsubscribe)[\/_-]?([0-9]+)(\.msf?|\/)?$/i'                                                    =>    'misc.php?$1=$2',
    '/^(mark|rules)[\/_-]?(read)?(\.msf?|\/)?$/i'                                                                            =>    'misc.php?action=$1$2',
    '/^mark[\/_-](forum)[\/_-]?([0-9]+)[\/_-](read)(\.msf?|\/)?$/i'                                                        =>    'misc.php?action=markforumread&fid=$2',
    '/^help[\/_-]([a-z]+)(\.msf?|\/)?$/i'                                                                                    =>    'help.php?section=$1',
    '/^moderate[\/_-]?([0-9]+)(\.msf?|\/)?$/i'                                                                                =>    'moderate.php?fid=$1',
    '/^move_topics[\/_-]?([0-9]+)[\/_-]([0-9]+)(\.msf?|\/)?$/i'                                                            =>    'moderate.php?fid=$1&move_topics=$2',
    '/^(open|close|stick|unstick)[\/_-]?([0-9]+)[\/_-]([0-9]+)[\/_-]([a-z0-9]+)(\.msf?|\/)?$/i'                            =>    'moderate.php?fid=$2&$1=$3&csrf_token=$4',
    '/^moderate[\/_-]?([0-9]+)[\/_-]?p(age)?[\/_-]?([0-9]+)(\.msf?|\/)?$/i'                                                =>    'moderate.php?fid=$1&p=$3',
    '/^moderate[\/_-]?([0-9]+)[\/_-]([0-9]+)(\.msf?|\/)?$/i'                                                                =>    'moderate.php?fid=$1&tid=$2',
    '/^moderate[\/_-]?([0-9]+)[\/_-]([0-9]+)[\/_-]?p(age)?[\/_-]?([0-9]+)(\.msf?|\/)?$/i'                                    =>    'moderate.php?fid=$1&tid=$2&p=$4',
    '/^get_host[\/_-]?([0-9]+|[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3})(\.msf?|\/)?$/i'                                =>    'moderate.php?get_host=$1',
    '/^admin(\.msf?|\/)?$/i'                                                                                                =>    'admin/index.php',
    '/^admin[\/_-]([a-z]+)(\.msf?|\/)?$/i'                                                                                    =>    'admin/$1.php',
    '/^admin[\/_-]?(options|extensions)[\/_-]([a-z]+)(\.msf?|\/)?$/i'                                                        =>    'admin/$1.php?section=$2'

Now when i goto the forum all the links are .html, but if i click on the links it comes up with bad request. BUT if i navigate to: it works.
How to i get all the page links to goto a .msf extension?


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

So i'm using the Rewrite function on File_based.

Firstly is anyone aware what the difference between File_based and File_based(Fancy) is?

Oh also i was wondering if anyone knows anything about choosing a custom file extension for the File_based rewrite.

For example:
File_based rewrite default output:

File_based rewrite custom output:

Don't ask why i want it like that, i just do tongue If anyone knows how to let me know!


sirena wrote:
hcgtv wrote:

Expat forum:

My God. look at all the sub-forums they have in some forums!! Top level forum Europe has about 40 sub-forums, and then some of these sub-forums themselves (eg Europe > France) have 10+ forums themselves. Overall number of forums/sub-forums on the site must exceed 200+.

The code must perform like a pig in terms of queries etc.

Also having all those subforums is not very user-friendly.  You get a very crowded set of top-level index pages.

There's also hardly any point having hundreds of sub-forums unless you have hundreds of thousands of users. You just end up with dozens of empty spaces. Better to just keep dedicated threads running within country-level forums on particular regions, for example, than to split every country up like that into smaller and smaller forums, IMHo.

But I like the visual aspects of the design. Very friendly colours, quite a clean and modern look.

Yeah, sites like this with 200+ forum categories usually die pretty quickly because they're toooo complex, and users see that half the forums are BARE and leave.
But i love the design.