that will let you use include/template/stylename/main.tpl
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PunBB Forums → Posts by Connorhd
that will let you use include/template/stylename/main.tpl might be useful as it will sort out the post counts for users, forums and topics once you've imported all the data. - that might help.
Looks nice, couple of bugs though, the stats box overflows downwards in FF (needs a clear?), and in IE if you make the page too small it all goes down below the menu.
Moving, nothing to do with PunBB
Looks fine to me now
if you want to do that you probably need a script on your server that runs every hour, rather than something added to PunBB, and i don't understand the second request.
Yes, ad when normal users view their posts.
try adding #brdtitle { padding: 0px; } to the css
I wasn't talking to you, was I? Are you the spokesman for the group?
There is no spokesperson for PunBB, If you post in this forum you are talking to me.
I use PunBB because it's relatively light, but the lack of functions fucking pisses me off. The fact that multiple people request something, yet it never gets implimented, is also irksome.
PunBB is not meant to please the masses, just because alot of people want something doesn't mean its a good thing to have in a forum which is not meant to be feature packed.
Oh, it is completely possible for a software package to be light while having useful features. It's more like Rickard just doesn't want to fuck with coding what people really want.
Well, the more features you add the less light it becomes (obviously), and if you want to be offensive you can leave.
If you knew how to read, you'd also see that I would get vB, but I'm not willing to pay for it.
When did i tell you to buy vB? I simply said PunBB is not meant to be an alternative to vB, if you want an alternative to vB there are certainly ones out there. ( ?)
Errm, why are you using PunBB then? PunBB is most certainly not meant to be a free alternative to vB. … /index.php
fix those first.
what excatly did you type in the email field?
Sign Up under my referral link and you'll see my account level (over 5300$)
So you actually paid that much money to them? Seems like a large risk to me, as they can disappear at any time with all your money.
What if PUN_ROOT is not relative from an external link, e.g. you are using PUN_ROOT to include PunBB from a different subdomain?
Congrats, you've had 3 children and none of them are called Punbb? What are you waiting for?
@Connorhd: i was hoping to hear from you either way regarding my email(s). if not i understand.
Sorry, i don't understand, what email?
edit: Whoops, looks like i had my email setup wrong, i'll get back to you after i've sifted through a few thousand emails
It couldn't be updated anyway as none of the mods will work with 1.3, compilation mods like that shouldn't be needed anymore as extension will make installing mods easy
damn i really need to update the wiki, it has a new parser and alsorts now, *sigh*
No, it would make 1 extra javascript "if" it would only run a query if the timezone needed changing.
<?php include ",7,8,3"; ?>
and make sure its a .php file … on=firefox
I don't use it but it looks like what you want
Turn on debug mode.
I was wondering, what if you included the js in the html file, made php give javascript the current timezone and javascript only do an update if its different, and lose the cookie stuff completely, would that make it slightly nicer?
PunBB Forums → Posts by Connorhd
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