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Topics by Connorhd User defined search
Posts found: 3,576 to 3,600 of 4,102
Kuwaiti wrote:Connorhd wrote:// Text orientation and encoding
'lang_direction' => 'ltr', // ltr (Left-To-Right) or rtl (Right-To-Left)
'lang_encoding' => 'iso-8859-1',
'lang_multibyte' => false,
in the common bit of the language
it looks kinda wierd rtf since its like a mirror image lol
i didn't understand , can u please explain ?
thats nothing for you to do just change the config.php
hmm the height of the mouth? yeh i think yours looks slightly less freaky but i'm not sure
what do you mean continue? is it not finished?
instead of closing the admin forum tick admin and moderators only
French (fr) - Translation by Mata Jean-Paul. Based on 1.0 version by Denis Labat. Updated by Denis Labat 2004-06-21.
my advice is don't touch the files just do anything you want through the admin config
ok, i changed the DNS settings so it works now, added the mysql database, reuploaded all the files in the correct folder structure and installed it uploaded config.php
login: Demon123
pass: is the one you told me
ok gimma a min i'm sorting it, for some reason the DNS settings for your subdomain are messed up
edit, also you've uploaded the files all wrong lol anyway i'll fix it
whats your username for the hosting?
yeh but the problem is you clicked on install.php in file manager instead of going to it (it has different effect) so it didn't parse the php just go to
wait i know why lol don't click on install.php in the file manager go to http://<yourusername>
well i dunno what you did but i just opened an account uploaded install.php and it works
5 has more features (if you setup wampserver it has a demo of some of them with it) xml support, sqlite support, loads of other stuff too i bet
sqlite is wierd and thats about all i know its not mysql and it just saves to a file? i dunno i don't think it has to run though its just a php extension it doesn't have to be another program for you to be able to use the database...
i don't think your host supports php
edit: hmm its site says it does :S read their faq you might need to put the php files in a special folder
unless your server kept a backlog of hashes e.g.
your server:
1.0 = a1
1.1 = b2
1.2 = c3
if they had b2 then it would say update
if they had c3 it would say up-to-date
if they had d4 it would say unknown version update may be out of date
dunno how you would store it on your server but just a suggestion
yeh its cool comes with SQLite as well, also its PHP5 but it has a plugin for PHP4 which adds a menu button for swtiching which takes about 10 seconds and is also fully automatic from 4 to 5 and 5 to 4 anytime you want
it does it 1.2 like i said (:P)
plugins are a new feautre for 1.2 they basically allow you to add menu options to the admin page without editing other files for extra admin fuctions which may or may not be linked to a mod
btw how will it know what version of a mod is installed?
colours are integrated very nicely
// Text orientation and encoding
'lang_direction' => 'ltr', // ltr (Left-To-Right) or rtl (Right-To-Left)
'lang_encoding' => 'iso-8859-1',
'lang_multibyte' => false,
in the common bit of the language
it looks kinda wierd rtf since its like a mirror image lol - windows testing server extremely easy to setup you don't need to change any config and it just works
that link is through the file manager for the host you need to access it directly
Posts found: 3,576 to 3,600 of 4,102