Well, if you don't want CSS you can modify the PHP script for creating topics (it should be in ./include/functions.php), but I guess there isn't anyone who will do an extension for this  big_smile

This could imo be added to as feature to @nhodges's extension, so try to ask him smile

Well it should be in the config table smile

You can disable it in Administration > Settings > Features > Topic and post features and information > Topic views


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 discussion)

Hi, there is currently no extension (that I know of) which would do that, but maybe you could try this one out, which does something similar  wink


Guess there isn't such possibility, but you could try this SQL query, which deletes all users older than month with signature or website (which are mainly bots)  wink

KeyDog wrote:

Might be good to integrate this into the stopforumspam extension....

Yea, but since author of this script is lazy bastard I guess it won't be happening soon big_smile
Anyway I'd like to little bit remade the script, so it'll allow you to find users with website link or signature and 0 posts etc. smile

//BTW moved topic to PunBB Additions, since this isn't really an extension smile

Ah... well, there isn't currently any extension that could do that, so no - it isn't possible  neutral

Hi, it is possible in Administration > Settings > Setup > Default Language  wink


(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 discussion)

Well, it's possible to write a script for that, but I don't think I've seen here some...

@Huuze You mean that one by KeyDog? As I'm thinking about it, yes (if you have it still installed) - the best solution would imo be to unistall all current SFS.com antibots and URL Checkers (and that one KeyDog's mix) and install fresh ones again. Here's latest version of URL Checker and SFS.com Antispam wink

@Huuuze: That's strange - unistalling extension should erase all code from your db - try to clear cache or install / unistall extension again  neutral

@rs324: Actually I've got an error too...

<Message>Access Denied</Message>



(2 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Would be useful if you'd chosen right section, since now I don't know whether you're asking about PunBB 1.2 or 1.3...

Anyway in 1.3, there's a button "Mark all topics as read" if you go to "New posts"  wink And button near topic - just visit it and it'll mark as read  neutral  smile

8k84 wrote:

Happens on this forum when using IE 6.0 (don't know about other versions).

I believe it happens to IE7 and 8 too (not sure about 9) - I had once fixed this (there's an error in scripts.js in line 38 - var ctrl is not defined), but actually found a problem with positioning the text in IE which I couldn't solve, so I shelved it big_smile


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 discussion)

@Audiofeeline: Actually, I think this info isn't from database - it's directly in code from extensions.

But personally, I'd rather leave there info about extensions (it's not important for users, but it's important for other administrators, if they'd like to install those extensions as well), extended as described in my first post here.

IMO the footer could be remade in something like this

Current version:

Suggested version:

I believe that the <select> menu is redundant, and could be deleted smile

Anyway, this change is a little bit more "demanding" (implementing unofficial extensions to the repository and so, could be a bit harder), so I think this should be implemented rather in 1.3.6


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 discussion)

KeyDog wrote:

otherwise it could get overloaded/ too big a task

Well, not really - most of tickets are just changes to one line of code or so => there shouldn't be problem to do them all smile

Wikipedia wrote:


Intended use: Miscellaneous organizations not fitting in other categories (generally noncommercial)
Actual use: Nonprofits; personal sites; open-source projects; sometimes used by commercial entities

So that's the reason why it is used widely for other forums.

I guess PunBB is at Informer.com domain "just" for branding, since it's part of their portfolio smile


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 discussion)


Just saw this task being assigned, so new version will be hopefully coming soon smile (Thx alexp wink)

I added tickets for all bugs I saw here, so hopefully it'll be implemented smile

Anyway, there are three things left, that should be imo added (changed) in 1.3.5

- What do you think? Should it be added to next release? smile

New version

URL Checker v 0.5

New killer feature
- from now on we cross-check urls with KeyDog's db and not .csv file => you'll always have latest possible version smile

BTW since we're checking url with other website, the url check is now only when you hit "send" (not preview). As well there's 3s limit for loading url (=> when KeyDog's website is off-line your forum won't stop working) smile

KeyDog wrote:

Small bug: Just noticed it shows more than 25 last entries.


KeyDog wrote:

If I catch a spammer using URL   

then ban

Actually I'd rather not do that... We would increase the chance of catching "wrong" url, and I guess people wouldn't be happy if they'd get deleted, cause of that big_smile


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)


that's nice graphic smile

But I'd have some notes about comparison of PhpBB and PunBB (other than that these two forums really can't be compared, since their philosophy is totally difference).

Firstly the installation - PhpBB has "very good" for (yea, good-looking, but quite long installation, since you have set up all things PhpBB has (or at least you should read them, because you are new admin, which doesn't want to screw anything up, right? smile) - PunBB is just 7 fields you have to fill and you hit a button. This IMO opinion is better than "normal", it's easy, quick and setting only things you really need.

Ergonomy - PhpBB has very good? All PhpBB3 admins I know off were confused (at least... most of them were, well, lost!) first time they saw administration of PhpBB3... So many options and menus... neutral

Post Editing Format - PunBB has BB codes wink
Forum Organization - By "subsection" you mean subforums? If so, PunBB has them only with plugin, so I guess it should be mentioned.

Spell checking - actually this is imo browser's field, but it can be mentioned...
Message rating - Karma can be added with plugin.
Announcements - The big blue box PunBB 1.2.23 announcement is without plugin (but yep, it's not forum specific...)
Instant Messaging - I think there was plugin for that somewhere big_smile
Users List and Online Users List - OK, PunBB is cut to the marrow, but these features are still included in basic install big_smile
Friendly URLs - basic install
Email Notifications - basic install
CAPTCHA - plugin
IP Blocking - if you mean "bans" than basic install, if you mean something like checking registered users with StopForumSpam.com than plugin
Themes - actually I would guess that those 200 aren't really precise... Maybe with 1.2, but those can't be used with 1.3 big_smile
Social Networks - haven't seen any Facebook integration yet, so I guess this must be mistake.
CMS / Blog Bridges - Wordpress
Moderator per Section & Global Moderator - Yes
User groups - yes
User registration - User Account created by Administrator can be with plugin achieved as well.
Guest Posting - yes
Upgrade Method - one click upgrade smile
Updates Notifications - yes
Supported Forum Migration - PhpBB3 now as well smile

And as well it could be imo mentioned "programmer demands" or something like that, because well... it's quite a difference those 300k lines of code of PhpBB vs. those I'd guess 20k lines (written in simple way, that even "younger" programmers understand) PunBB can have.

Ah, sorry haven't seen it's 1.2 and not 1.3 big_smile Anyway... I checked the code and error occurs in post.php, line 320, when PunBB is updating user's post count.

I suggest you'd analyse table users
[code=sql]ANALYZE TABLE punbb_users[/code]
and then (if there's error) repair it (btw both you can do both from PhpMyAdmin wink)

But don't forget to backup your db before you try the repair query, you can lose some data during the process  neutral

KeyDog wrote:

Will modification/use of this code permit me to query my db from other forums aswell? Or will this be for local integration ?

Well, if someone (which seems to be me, at the weekend big_smile), will write code for it then yes smile

fhelik wrote:

Error: Unable to update user.

Was the error really "user"? Since if it was users, it would make more sense (name of sql table), but like this I have no clue...

As well, do you have your debug mode on? It could provide us with more information... smile

[code=php]define('FORUM_DEBUG', 1);[/code]
In config.php

I guess there could be problem with file encoding. I think that some files in lang folder aren't encoded in UTF-8, but in ANSI, so you'll have to change it. You can do it in almost any advanced editor - for example in Notepad++ you can find it in top menu > format > Change encoding to UTF-8 (without BOM)
