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webmeister wrote:Which extension provides the captcha functionality?
(Official Extension)
Antispam System
Created by PunBB Development Team.
Version v1.2.
Adds CAPTCHA to the register, login and guest post form.
webmeister wrote:I noticed the captcha too, but I think it is ok the way it is
Yeah, I think its okay aswell.
webmeister wrote:Or did you notice any problems when using OpenID and captcha?
No I just mentioned it because it prolongs the registration process.
I guess depending on the openid provider it would be less entering of information - with versign quite a few parameters can be selected/entered....
Edit: Just saw versign does offer One-Click Sign-In - but one just needs to add certain sites as bookmarks....
Ok cool I just tested it with the versign service - much better experience. worked!! ( I recommend!). I might have entered a invalid claimid on a few attempts (just the instead of - which you now fixed so it says invalid adress)
As I have captcha activated it also asked me for that when registering back in the forum itself. Just fyi.
thx i just remembered looking at the code that I already tried once and ran into a brick wall... afraid i won't be of any help supermag...
As everyone on facebook knows the feature in the bottom right corner with notifications (red little number) and the inbox updates at the top are very useful.
Would it be hard to implement such a feature with punbb for new posts, new messages, new topics.... ?
Example: I've posted a topic, and want to see an alert on page when someone comments on it....
Nice job! (Just the ministry logos in forum itself are hanging into the next colomn and text is below - in Chrome anyway - just fyi)
You should put it in "Show Off" Forum ...
Can you try and log in with an openId at
I've tried with mine and keep getting redirected to claimid website and "unable to log in"
Nice extension.
Just uploaded it to my demo board for people wanting to see it live.
The link to the site of author is there and also a link for a ported version.
Can you zip a version your currently using and upload it to a free file sharing site N3twork2? (the 1.2 version)
I'd like to take a look at it...
I was using table name prefixes!
1.0.2. worked fine now.
You can now change min test to 1.3.2 instead of 1.3.4 !
Thx again.
OK I just went to the phpMyAdmin area and executed the manual inserting of the table.
That worked!
I could now register with OpenID...
Question remains why the ext doesn't insert the table...
very nice job. and pretty popular too (i.e. active) it seems...
or you can put SOLVED in the title... in the meantime
Parpalak wrote:The only way to update the forum from 1.3.x to 1.3.(x+1) is to upload new files manually (see the wiki installation page). Admin panel can only display an alert when a new version of forum is released.
So probably manually to 1.3.3 then to 1.3.4 would work for sure.
You might as well just apply hotfixes though as no essential new features are in 1.3.4 compared to 1.3.2 and security is fixed with hotfixes....
I've installed tons of other exts on 1.3.2 forums and I tried your extension on 3 different ones (and always get the above error). So knowing that, I didn't plan on creating things manually. I was mainly TESTING it and not needing to install it for use by any means.... if you understand....
I suggest an admin here tests it on MySql - if they or someone can install it without a hitch, I'll go back to find out if my provider is somehow blocking something, or I've forgotten to do something or messed my forums up.
ok chrs...
hasn't solved my problem... maybe someone else can try and install it and see if they can do it with no problem on MySQL....
thx for feeback up to now anyway...
Go to folder
include/template/ then open
and add your jpeg or whatever code you want to place and where you want to show it...
an example for adding code to header here: … -solution/
Hm okey thanks.
Please read before installing
WARNING: your web-server should have write access to FORUM_ROOT/extensions/openid/oid_store/.
I have that as 755 right?
Impressive release, very professional.
Congrats and thx for the effort!
Any idea why I'd get this error when trying to sign on as a new user:
An error was encountered
The error occurred on line 80 in /[...]/extensions/openid/Ext/PunBB/UserData.php
Database reported: Table '[...].openid_map' doesn't exist (Errno: 1146).
I am using an older version of 1.3 (1.3.2 actually with hotfixes) and just modified min tested so that I could install it...
My database: MySQL Improved 5.1.30
Operating system: FreeBSD
PHP: 5.2.9 -
Accelerator: eAccelerator
I guess it's not thaaaat important. When one hovers over titles they "light up" correctly.... (I wouldn't know how to do the dot-thing)
ok , then all i can hope is that parpalak thinks of something / gives assurances... cos those "new age" features would be unique in world of free forum software (at least I haven't seen anything like it)....
like the layout.... top posters, recent posts etc.... just right hand side could be a bit wider or a dot infront of new titles... for a readability...
good job....
I still think you should join (the team) and ajax it.... !
as discussed here: … on-boards/
There might also be some info in that post that you find useful for confidential discussions&stuff... Even though I was more interested in having conversations that only members can read and no-one else.
Best/most expensive option is to have your own server in a secure building. But I'm guessing that's out of your budget...
just tried the latest version and think it's great ext. thanks!
good stuff
so is it advisable for everyone to use this ?
sounds like an important ext for speed....
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