Hello, some of the extensions I've downloaded doesn't work.

1. smscoin_punbb_1_3_4_reg for example, doesn't work for "manifest.xml is missing

2. Two other extensions (topic_description and currency doesn't work because I've decided to remain in version 1.3.3 because of the difficulties and possibles consequences of closing my forum the time of converting from 1.3.3 to 1.3.4.

I've read that there's a hotfix that solve on 1.3.3 the problem dealt with by the 1.3.4 version without changing.

Will these extensions that work with 1.3.4 work with 1.3.3 "hotfixed" ?

3. 4 other extensions (online_plus_1.3.7, punbb_hide_urls_for_guests_v0.1, Hide_tags, Subject_index) doesn't work because it says "The ID must exclusively contain alphanumerical caracters and underscor caractere"

Can someone help me deal with this ?

I really wanted to thank you for all the fantastic and so usefull job you make for the global punBB community.

I just went on the extension directory, and the "social bookmarking" application is not downloadable, error 404...

Really ?

Thank you for this information !

I mean, when you go on newspaper websites, you often have around their article small links leading to facebook or twitter account so as to share this article on your profile. Moreover, some of these links have thefamous "I like" or "I recommend" icon, linked with facebook.


(11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Thank you. I'm not sure to be able to implement this but I'll try !

That may be an interesting feature ?


(11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Thank you for anwering.

Is it so hard to create a tag that automatically refrech a forum all the xseconds ?


(11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Hi, do you think it might be possible, one day, to have an extension that refresh automatically the forum ? Like in facebook, hotmail, etc ?

It's interesting (the roman paragraph above all ;-D) but I don't think it answers my question yet.
Thank you anyway lol.

Hello, I use this topic for I'm trying for hours to add navlinks in the navlinks menu and it always tells me :

Notice: Undefined index: newsletter in /home/www/c23ee494339f4673173c93ff37a3a87a/web/forum-scpo/include/functions.php on line 437

I'm trying to put my newsletter page in the navlinks.

I try with this syntaxe on line 437 in the functions.php file:

$links['newsletter'] = '<li id="navnewsletter"'.((FORUM_PAGE == 'newsletter2') ? ' class="isactive"' : '').'><a href="'.forum_link($forum_url['newsletter']).'">'.$lang_common['Newsletter'].'</a></li>';

I put the file newsletter2.htm in the forum folder in my FTP server. Is it useful or this file can be placed anywhere ?
I also add a line "newsletter" in the forum_urls.php file, and in the lang/common.php file.
Should I write the complete url on the forum_urls.php file ?

Can you tell me what is wrong in this syntaxe ? and how can I add navlinks with pages that are not in the classic forum folder (i.e. htm pages that I've made myself and that are not in the forum), as you have on this website (for instance wiki, timeline...).

I really don't understand how to add new navlinks ! It's awful, I'm on it for hours and can't understand why it doesn't work...

Sorry if this issue has ever been raised elsewhere, and great thanks for eventual answers...

Kind regards,


On my index page, the number of user doesn't appear. Is it a usual troubleshooting, or is it due to a wrong installation ?


Regards and thank you very much for all the good job you have done !

Hello, thank you for your patience !

I checked my tables, and on the collation line, interclassement column, it's written ut8 general ci.


Thanks for the link !
I upgraded it from 1.2.
I use Mysql with phpmyadmin
encodings utf8 unicode ci

What are "collations" (I'm french)

Thank you very much.

I use 1.3 version, and the problem is still there. as well as the issue of not being able to search by topic name (more important issue than the fiste one.)



(7 replies, posted in Feature requests)


It seems to me that it is one of the most important lost in the transfert from 1.2 to 1.3 version.

The search function is much less efficient, and forum users are complaining of this step back.

That would be very useful to set anew this very useful otion in "fine-tuning" one's research.



(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

Actually, it is enabled. It works in my english version, but as soon as we pass it into frenche it doesn't work....


I really don't understand why my quick reply post form has disapeared. The option is clicked on in the administration board. Could it be linked with new extensions ? 



I have a problem with chinese and arabic letters, that appear like this "????????????"

Does someone have an idea on how to fix it ?

Thank you very much !

I tried exactly what you say, but it doesn't work for me...

I have the same question, but I just want to forbid them to post new posts or new topics (I allow them to watch the forum).

Thank you very much

I have two new questions regarding this issue.

Now that I have downloaded and uploaded new themes, how can I enable my forum users to choose between different themes ?

I have tried to create new folders in the forum's style directory but it does not appear neither on the administrator/setting's page nor on the users profile page.

Thank you so much !

This could be useful to fuel this thread with links such as these, in order to enable punbb users to use more and more color themes.

Thank you very much.

But from where do I upload them ?

Shouldn't I download the themes first ?


I tranfered my forum from pun BB 1.2 to 1.3.2, but it seems that I can't give the permission to my forum users to modifiy colors, as they could in the previous version.

Is it normal or have I missed something ?
