William Henry Gates III
177 2004-05-24 20:17
Re: Word Association Thread (1,382 replies, posted in General discussion)
Fear and Loathing
178 2004-05-24 19:17
Re: Word Association Thread (1,382 replies, posted in General discussion)
179 2004-05-24 08:30
Re: smilies - feedback please (98 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
I'm no big fan of image-smilies, i prefer old-fashioned text emoticons, but I actually like mindplays smilies, they are a bit more warm and friendly than the standart set. Well done :D
180 2004-05-23 09:15
Re: Word Association Thread (1,382 replies, posted in General discussion)
Wet Wet Wet
181 2004-05-15 10:59
Re: Revising the profile options for PunBB 1.2 (32 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
I agree. I actually tried to be a little inconsistent. Maybe that was a bad idea :)
I can see the point in using disable/enable to tell what the effect is if the user changes it from the default or maybe the current setting. Perhaps the best solutions is describing the effect of both enable and disable:
Enabling this feature will make links in posts open in a new browser window, disabling it will make links in posts open in the current browser window.
[] Open links in new window
It's a bit more text to display making the page even longer, so it might not be worth it.
182 2004-05-15 09:25
Re: Software patents & germany == 0 (4 replies, posted in General discussion)
For those of you in southern Sweden this might be of interrest, a live debate in Lund 2004-05-25 with a number of politicians debate and annswering questions from the audience on SW patents. There is even a live webcast on http://tv.sslug.dk
183 2004-05-15 09:12
Re: Revising the profile options for PunBB 1.2 (32 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
Very good - that's exactly how I think it should be. The only thing that bothers me is the help texts - they are not 100% consistent, some of them telling what happens if the option is enabled some what happens if the options is disabled. It's not a big deal and not sure I could do better, english is not my native tounge, but I think providing good help to the users should be a high priority.
184 2004-05-12 17:18
Re: Blogs anyone? (72 replies, posted in General discussion)
Chacmool: Oh hot blogger chicks do exist, just try to google for "hot blogger chicks".
185 2004-05-12 15:00
Re: Blogs anyone? (72 replies, posted in General discussion)
Nice blog, but for Gods sake lose the picture - you are scaring away all the hot blogger-chicks :-)
I would recommend using the head from this one http://media.balroq.org/040215_6.jpg
186 2004-05-06 12:00
Topic: IE bug: "Go back" redirects to empty textarea (7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)
Just discovered a bug that probably an IE/javascript bug but quite annoying anyway:
Steps taken:
1. Fill in "Quick post" with text containing an syntax error
2. Click "Submit" button
3. Error message correctly appears
4. Click "go back" link
5. Returned to viewtopic page but the "Quick post" textarea is empty.
I have only tested in IE 6.0 on Win2000 - it might not be a problem i other browsers.
I have tried to recreate a number of times, but for some reason it only appears sometimes (this is the best kind of bugs).
I'm not really sure it's worth doing anything about, it not really serious, just annoying to lose what just just wrote.
An easy solution with very little ssytem overhead would be to make the "go back" link post the text back to the refeering viewtopic page and fill in the textarea with the text.
187 2004-05-04 15:42
Re: Ranking Graphics Mod download (15 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
You could use something like rsync to keep a perfect mirror at all times, this requires a bit more server privileges than some webhost provide though.
On a related (but still off-topic) note, what happens when the punbb.org server goes down? Maybe some kind of back-up for that (at least the front page, downloads etc.) would be nice to have?
188 2004-05-04 10:43
Re: Revising the profile options for PunBB 1.2 (32 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
Fisrst of all I'm glad to see that you're still commited to fixing this. Sleddogs suggestion is exactly what I had in mind when posting the original request, so that one gets my vote as well, with some minor adjustments (see below).
If "Show images in posts", "Show avatars" and "Show user signatures" where dropped I don't think it would be any major problem and reducing the number of features in the profile is definately a Good Thing. But lets see what the statistics will tell - the primary concern here I guess is the compability issue.
To sum up, my suggestion for the options part of the profile is:
() Display your e-mail address.
() Hide your e-mail address but allow form e-mail.
() Hide your e-mail address and disallow form e-mail.
[] Save username and password between visits.
[] Include post in subscription e-mails.
[] Show smilies as icons.
[] Show images in post.
[] Show images in signatures
189 2004-04-27 15:47
Re: Wiki documentation (38 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
I have heard some rumors about a lightweight but nonetheless quite stylish system, GPL'ed and very easy to install too. I think it was called ponWiki or punWiki or something like that :-) Might just be vaporware though...
190 2004-04-27 08:45
Re: 1000 (4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
And now you have just passed 10000000000 (base 2) users, with KeroseN being the 10000000000th :-)
191 2004-04-27 08:37
Re: New moderator, Paul (12 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
I could not help noticing the text "Moderator & PunBB Donor" in Pauls profile - how much does one have to pay to become a moderator? :-)
192 2004-04-13 10:50
Re: Anyone interested in a PunBB mouse pad? (48 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
I could use a new mouse pad and one from QPAD would be nice, with the punBB logo on as an added bonus how can I say no :-)
The standard size sound nice...
193 2004-03-08 08:36
Re: Bigger Font (5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
Just a quick question, how come punBB does not use the C in CSS? Having a master SS with all the styles and the themed stylesheets modifying only whats needed would make adjusting the font size for all themes easier (and more aesthetically pleasing to the programmer).
194 2004-02-28 16:57
Re: User Kill Files (18 replies, posted in Feature requests)
vBulletin has had the feature for quite some time. However, it appears the feature is rarely used if one of Swedens largest forums can be used as a benchmark.
I don't think forum.sweclockers.com can be used as a benchmark, Sweclockers has an extremely effective group of moderators who takes care of most troublemakers.
This feature is useful for forums where moderation is low or non-existent (like most usenet groups).
The question is: Is PunBB intented for unmoderated forums and if it is, is kill-files essential in unmoderated web-based forums?
195 2004-02-27 08:42
Re: HDIFF changes (2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
That can't be perl, perl isn't supposed to be readable :-)
196 2004-02-20 10:01
Re: PunBB for life. (3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)
Mr Andersson, is that the guy who stays up all night doing meaningless programming when he really should be sleeping and get up in the morning at a reasonable time. And is about to get fired from the project he is working on because he is always late?
Doesn't sound like Rickard :-)
197 2004-02-17 20:14
Re: Netgear WG311 and Windows 98 SE don't mix. (15 replies, posted in General discussion)
PCI cards otoh, are NOT swappable, and you should try to take them in/out with the system on.
I'd say that's bad advice, you should not try to take them in/out with the system on.
But that is probably what you meant :-)
198 2004-02-16 22:37
Re: Smilies and images in sigs (17 replies, posted in Feature requests)
Well, images in sigs are the top priority but I'd really like image emoticons to go as well, I personally see no use for them, they break the flow of the text and I find the text based ones easier to read ,just like ALL CAPS text isn't comfortable to read. (But anyone writing in all caps would of course be banned forever :-))
What I'm really suggesting is that the "Convert smilies to images by default." in the profile be changed to affecting not the posts I make, but the post I read. That way everyone can decide for themselves wether they what to see smilies or text instead of deciding to force others to see smilies or text. It just make so much more sense (to me).
And I don't want to hear any "but xyzBB does it that way" or "it's been like that since 1.0a" this is your chance to stand up and change the world (or some small insignificant corner of it).
199 2004-02-16 20:51
Topic: Smilies and images in sigs (17 replies, posted in Feature requests)
I think it would be very nice if it was possible for users to disable smilies and images in signatures without having to disable images all together.
Is this a planned feature for some upcoming release?
I know it could be done in a mod but as a user seeing punBB forum popping up around the web I think it would be nice if it was standard feature I always had when visiting a punBB based forum.
Great forum by the way, you must have some very inspiring people around having made such a nice forum :-)
200 2004-02-07 18:42
Re: My own computer... (15 replies, posted in General discussion)
I remember successfully installing windows 95 on a 80MB HD with 40MB to spare for swap file and few programs and as Linux distros on a single 3.5" disk exists I would say that 2GB is more disk space than anyone would ever need :-)