no migration script
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PunBB Forums → Posts by KANekT
no migration script
it easy make with
does not change the language En -> Ru
Demo v1.1.5
Login + pass admin's --> PM Me.
I think found a bug.
If i create a forum it include two or more subforums,Posts on index is not refreshed.
It will refresh lastly created subforum's topics and posts.
Fixes are available so far only for paying subscribers in v 1.1.0
In search of something happening is not understandable __
I have tested, good but statistic don't work ?
What statistics?
Must be right to change the translation files in the folder extension.
then tried to create a new field:
No bugs then i tested now.
i use $db_type = 'mysqli';
Allows you to add any field in the profile.
Version extension 0.3.0
Adding fields in the profile.
May be a link or just text.
Select fields for removal under the avatar.
The field name in different languages.
Must be right to change the translation files in the folder extension.
for anyone interested:
New subforum extension by KANekT: … subforums/
This is not a new development - but an attempt to fix existing bugs
Ver 1.1.5
This is an extension for create multilevel subforums. It's not finnished now, but you may use it, if you want.
— On index.php in forums descriptions insert list of subforums;
— On viewforum.php before topics shows list of subforums (without any statistics);
— In admin panel on forums.php you may set parent forum when add/edit forum;
Yes indeed. I stripped them all out just for testing purposes but it made no difference. So then I stripped out all CITE and BLOCKQUOTE tags too but again, no difference at all. I even stripped out the ENTRY CONTENT div (or whatever it is called) and that made no difference either.
Very confusing indeed
Any ideas?
And Hook's have precisely been updated after removal of a superfluous code?
ahh sorry.. my initial question was meant for KANekT on his extension.
i am looking for extension to hide or protect some certain text from being revealed until there is a reply from user.
benefit if you are asking me the hide certain content... i would prefer some involvement from members instead of them passing-by and grab those information or maybe a word "thanks" wound be sufficient as for appreciation to the writer / contributorthanks
Such possibility while isn't present.
Happen to know how I could get this to work in daris's portal?
Where that was the module-page for a portal, will try to find.
<div class="quotebox"> </div>
is deleted?
</p><div class="quotebox"><cite>'.$lang_hide['Hidden text'].':</cite><blockquote><p><i>$1</i></p></blockquote></div><p>
Clean code.
Поэтому и в начальных найстройках указано jQuery 1.3.2.
пока нет времени исправлять на 1.4.2
Ok, but how do you enable the English.php file? because mine defaults to Russian (regardless of what browser I'm viewing it in).
fix bug with Lang-files in 0.7.3
it's possible to select the groups to which the chat is visible? because i would like chat visible only in moderator, admin and an other group.
no such possibility
bug fixes and code
Question: How can I set that it's only visible to admins or mods?
Settings ->Features -> Show User Activity Online only Admin
Fix bug - pun_quote
PunBB Forums → Posts by KANekT
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