(16 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

arf ;

so, if a guest doesn't log in -because it's a guest and a guest doesn't log in-, the script won't sent him a «ban-cookie» ?
Here it is the main subject of my post : I have banned mister Aaa Bb Cccc ; he will surely come back and first, he will test posting with his usual name (Aaa Bb Cccc) ; if he can't he will try with (aAa bb cCC for example), and so on.
What I suggest/ask : at the first step, the script sets a generic «ban-cookie» = this computer banned.

I'm too long ? smile


(16 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

hum : but do a guest log in ?

Here it is what I understand :
Case 1 : it's a member : as soon as he logs in, a cookie is done to avoid his future coming back (right ?)
Case 2 : but for for a guest ? A guest doesn't log in, so ?



(16 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Are you sure about the guest and the cookie ? If I ban a guest (by his common username), do you think a cookie is made, when he comes back, to protect the forum from his future attacks, if using other usernames ?

Plus, cookies don't help if people know they're there and delete them wink

Of course smile But if they don't, it helps ; you know, you can't protect your house, but you can make more difficult and time consuming to enter. So, more protections = more time to bypass them (amha). Search in the cookie and delete them, it's easy, but it's boring smile

Thank you for replying so quickly.

Hello all,

I would like to know if the username I want to ban is case sensitive or not.
I do know it's insensitive for a registered member as mentionned in the description of the first ban page in the admin section, but what about guests in the ?Supplement ban with IP and e-mail# page? ?
(i'm still running 1.1.5)

I have another question/suggestion : you know, it is easy for a guest to change its username, and IP ban can't do all (especially if the invader has non static IP), so I think it would be great to use a special cookie against the banned guest, making more difficult for him to come back.

In my example : I have banned someone. Of course, he comes back (yes, he's stupid but he is French smile ) ; so, I banned him one more time. I'm patient smile But a cookie would be nice, no ? once he is banned a first time, no matter what IP/username he uses : the cookie is another protection.
Ideas ?

(I hope you can understand me smile )

Nice !
Thank you Connorhd.

Hi Connord,

Very nice idea to include such a good wiki in punbb. I have not tested it yet, but I'm really interested in and I'm supposed to update not too late. I have some questions about the rights : is there some admin panel or something else to set different rights according to status ? is the wiki related to the users table in punbb ? I mean : for example, if I don't want guests wikiing, but only registered members ? (understand my personal english? smile )
Thanks !


(2 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Hi all,
just a suggestion : comment in the legend of the search area the minimal number of letter to type and go searching ? and an dedicated error message maybe ?


No matter Rickard.
I keep my suggestion in my bag smile


Yes I know I may use "see my suscribed topics" or "show my posts" ;
but, imagine : I have readen somebody's interesting post (not mine) : when subscribed, I will receive all new posts, and if the topics is several pages long, it isn't easy to go back to the needed post. More, in this case, I don't want new posts, but an old one.
My suggestion is (for example) : make a "favorite message" link where there is the # message number (in 1.2) to "save" it as favorite and find it easely.
If i want to find the post I have readen a week ago where somebody talked about something, the search engine is a good way but not always. Select and save some post might be more useful for such a purpose.

What do you think about it ?


Hi all,

Just a suggestion : that forum, at punbb, is, like other elsewhere, interesting but huge ;
sometimes I read nice posts but I can't (or I don't know how) keep them as favorites.
What I'm suggesting is adding one more option, like subscribe (but not to the topics : to the post) ; maybe : «remember this post» or «make favorite»
The purpose of this is making a easy way of retrieving interesting posts instead of having to search and search and search in all the forums. No wasting time. I select what I want for quick and easy access + a link to my favorites posts.

I hope you understand me smile If you don't, be sure it's because I speak very personal english.

(great work for this v1.2)



(30 replies, posted in General discussion)

Hello all,

maybe have a look at etomite ? http://www.etomite.org/ ?
(I like it)



(4 replies, posted in Programming)


sorry, I'm a bit late for replying ; so, emptying the cache was not the good solution. Thanks for trying in helping me. I will have to use the script in an other way.

(désolé, je suis un peu retard pour répondre ; vider le cache n'était pas la bonne solution. Merci d'avoir essayé de m'aider. J'utiliserai le script d'une autre façon.)



(4 replies, posted in Programming)

Hi Gary, and thank you for replying.

I understand first part of your message ;
but for the second, note there is no firewall here when testing the script, and I almost sure IE doesn't block the referer (ok I'm sure, but I'm not often well informed).
Please note : the url of the blank adress is not "the same" in the "url box" : FF gives me : http://mysite/contact.php?phase=check&PHPSESSID=0343d37(cut)
while IE gives me :
(and, FF gives me a link t go back ; not IE that leaves a blank and desertic page).

Ah. I have tested with basic test :

if($this->_doCheck()) {
                $_SESSION["tries"] = 0;
                Header("Location: mailto:".$this->email);
                echo "test";

and IE doens't print "test" ; (FF did it).



(4 replies, posted in Programming)

Hi all,

(first note I'm not at all a coder)

So, I'm trying to make a script working as I want it to : its purpose is asking you to click an area of an image and, if test=ok, mailto your address. You click and it lauches the mailer program.

The code is :

if($this->_doCheck()) {
                $_SESSION["tries"] = 0;
                Header("Location: mailto:".$this->email);

It's working, no problem, but I want a link to come back because while it launches the mailer it creates at the same time a blank page where I want a come back link.

I have tried several "hacks", that work in firefox but not in IE : for example :

if($this->_doCheck()) {
                $_SESSION["tries"] = 0;
                Header("Location: mailto:".$this->email);
                echo "<a href=\"".$_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]."\">back</a>";

In firefox, I have the link, not in IE.
I hope someone might help me : ) Thanks !


Working fine and usefull : thanks.


(31 replies, posted in Archive)


le mien est ici : http://www.languefrancaise.net/forum/
(sur la langue française).



+ poll
+ active post
+ preview
+ splittopic
+ ip2c


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Sorry : I replied by mail instead of posting here the list of light modifications I have done.
I do some tests with original files.


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

mail on the road !

(you are welcome wink )


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

ok Rickard, I have tried with my internet provider's smtp data (login, password and name) but with unsuccess :

error message (quote) :
An error was encountered
Error: Unable to send e-mail. Please contact the forum administrator with the following error message: "502 Error: command not implemented ".

Note (1), I may be wrong in the sense that I'm not fluent in smtp : )
Note (2), my free host is not 'for everybody' and they work fine (imho of french novice ; see links for more information about php version they work with). You know, of course, free stuff is often as good if not sometimes better as expensive if you choose the good one (it's the more difficult) and punBB, and there are many other brilliant programs that are free, is a good example : free and great.

You told me : your host may be the source of the problem but remember I can send mail (with php mail fonction) from profile then it's strange I can't send email vby subscription or for registration, no ?

For better testing with smtp (I probably have not filled in the parameters fields as expected) : do you have link or information for me ? is there 'public' smtp, is there some basic information I can use just for testing ?


ps : please, can you tell me, Rickard, in what way the punbb mail process works differently in the case of (first) sending mail from profile page and (second) registration, or subscription.


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Hello Rickard,

Please sorry my minimalistic knowledge of mail and smtp and my very basic english, but I don't understand exactly what you mean : what is my mail server ? I haven't a server a home smile ) my site is hosted for free by some french guys and function mail is installed (and, in my opnion, working) (so, according to this, smtp parameters from my punBB are not filled in : leave blank).
And you talk about logs from smtp server : am I concerned with ? If yes, where are they (my host ? I thought my host doesn't use smtp but php  functon).

If it may help, here there are the informations concerning my host :



(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)


I'm just discovering a strange trouble in my new punBB with mail option ;
let me explain :
- first, I can send an email to someone using the 'send email' access in profile user : the user do get the email : tested and working fine ;
- second : registration email and emails for subscribed topics do not work : tested, but not working at this time. So, the new registered user doesn't receive its code, for example, neither subscriber the notification that someone replied in/to the topic.

I think I have filled in all what was requested in a good way : my email adress is ok (I can send email to myself by profile access, no problem) and note I don't use smtp but php mail function from my host (so I leave mail parameter in blank) and I get no error message.

I suppose the scripts are not the same for emailing from profile or from automated process ? did I mistake in filling in the parameters ?

Feel free to test here (test section) if needed (http://www.languefrancaise.net/forum/) and please use test prefixed username if registering.

Thank you,


(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)


I just have updated my forum with punBB (also using usefull alexking active posts mod). Many thanks to the developpers for sharing such a nice board, and special big thanks to Chacmool for helping me so kindly to success in converting database.

Direct  forum url : http://www.languefrancaise.net/forum/index.php
(french site about french language).



+ splittopic
+ pool
+ preview

(thanks Zaher : )


(300 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Hello Kiplantt,

(last message : a bit of topic)
I you need some help for the french translation, feel free to contact me.
About the fact french speaking people also do understand email, of course, but if it is a translation it should be french standard to my mind : http://www.oqlf.gouv.qc.ca/ressources/b … glais.html for good french.
So don't hesitate contacting me by mail if needed.


(300 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Hello all,

just a suggestion, while we are speaking about smilies : why not one or two smiley-like icon(s) meaning, for example 'important' with the advantage of a quick access code such as : !!!
I mean, something like that : http://www.pial.jp/img/important.gif (just hotlinking example).

About the french translation, indeed, it's and old version, pretty done (but I would have prefer courriel instead of e-mail : it's a french translation, isn't it ?), but not complete at this time for 1.1.5.
I don't know if someone is working on it ?


Yes Paul, many thanks : I have done some modifications to get nicer html (not too hard in my case wink ).
I'm still testing but it's already fine (for me).

Great help ; bye.