I agree (FF 1.0 for me).


(7 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Here is a mod from weirdsilence using ip to country.


So I have done new pundoku installation with last 1.2.8 and I'm still in trouble ; same as in 1.2.7 (see picture).
At first look, I have followed the instruction as said ; the wiki is in the plugin panel, I'm able to admin the rights, but I can't access the wiki.
All is as if the file wasn't php one, neither a database problem.
What do you think about a utf (or same kind of trouble) problem ?

I would like some help ;
and I would like to know if someone succeeded in installing pundoku with 1.2.7 or 1.2.8. (and how wink)


ps : Environment
    Operating system: WINNT
    PHP: 4.3.3 - Show info
    Accelerator: N/A
    MySQL 4.0.15-nt
    Rows: 567239
    Size: 27.26 MB

Yes and no,

For the admin panel, it's ok : I have forgotten to upload the plugin folder (wasn't said to be done in the step by step readme wink so I didn't upload it)
I will try again with 1.2.8, but at first look I don't see what mistake I may have done (the panel works fine, saving my pref with no problem). What is wrong is not (to my mind) a php error : when I click on the doku.php, there is a problem and the browser doesn't recognize php but something else, that's why I'm invited to download. (With FF, I got a cryptic page - strange characters -UTF problem??)

No idea about the way using last punbb (1.2.8 at this moment) and pundoku mod?


I have some trouble in installing pundoku with 1.2.7 ; I will try to explain what happens :

I believe I have followed every step as said in the readme and I failed.
When I tell the browser to navigate to http://localhost/forum/doku.php I get a cryptic page with Firefox (strange characters ; and what is strange is the fact I can't select them to copy-paste) and, if using IE, I get a message (2 windows) telling me (first pop_up window) that IE can't download the program (sic) and (second pop-up window) printing the well-known window of downloading in progress)

All the files are in the forum folder, or in forum subfolders ; none at the root of the site :

---/forum : doku.php, etc.
---------/ wiki
---------/ style / imports


I don't see where is the admin panel (I see nothing regarding the wiki in the punbb admin panel).

Installation done with 1.1 on punres
Will you help me ?

In my idea the problem is that when I click on the doku.php link, the progam work as if it were a downloadable file : a pop-up (when using IE) asks me if I want to download, open, etc. the doku.php
Don't know what's wrong.


(1 replies, posted in Feature requests)


Using punbb 1.1.5 with Chacmool's splittopic mod (very usefull), I would like to know if there is something similar for 1.2.7 or if there is a working update of his nice mod ; (may I say, that, in case there is nothing so convenient, it would be nice if some good samaritain adapt it for the community ?)

Thank you,

Thank you Connorhd,

I asked this question because I hope I will install this nice mod soon : so I would like to know wether I do upgrade to 1.2.6 or 1.2.7 ; if it doesn't work with 1.2.7, i will regret not having installed 1.2.6 instead of 1.2.7. (following me wink ?)
I'm also interested in some other mods working with 1.2.6 (don't know if they're ok with 1.2.7)...
Upgrading and installing is not very convenient for me (I do everything by hand, editing line after line in a notepad like, hey, not a hdiff guru).
Anyway, thank you.


Quick question :
Is the pun dokuwiki mod working with last 1.2.7 version ?

Thanks for replying hcgtv

Done and working (clearing data from search tables, exporting light database ok, and rebuilding index).

Hello all,

I'm in trouble : I would like to export the database from my site (distant) to my pc (to work with localhost), before upgrading, if possible.
So, I go to mysql (distant), I select all the pun prefixed tables and ask : export (with no compression). The download begins (30s) : about 30 mo saved in one sql file.
The problem is the file is not complete (ending with (last line) «<b>Fatal error</b>:  Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in <b>/home/domaine/r/rekcah.fr/ssl/phpMyAdmin-2.6.2-rc1/libraries/dbi/mysql.dbi.lib.php</b> on line <b>118</b><br />»)
The punbb_search_matches table is huge and it seems (according to the error message quoted) that my host is limiting the time to 30 seconds (not enough to transfer all the data).

So, I would like to make my database lighter by deleting the punbb_search_matches data (from my distant database), then try to export (I hope I will have complete file this way) and then rebuild the search index with the maintenance tool.

What do you think about ?


(8 replies, posted in Feature requests)

I agree : I think it is useless for search engine robots, but it may be useful for suggesting "same sort of topics/close subjects" to the user.
I wish you understand my english wink

This link may be useful ?

Where did you find the code for the menu Rod ?
(où as-tu trouvé le code pour générer le menu ?)



(2 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Thanks Andre.

This former discussion is a bit old and as you say, the result is not complete.
May be a new discussion is to be considered ?
For example, getting the list of your posts, Andre, is not easily done.

The last night, I surfed on a vbulletin forum (the official site) and I remarked that requesting all the posts of someone (via public profile) will get all his posts (and not ony all the topics he contributed in).
I don't know how much difficult it is to code but I thought : if adding a request is enough, it is really woth suggesting. In active forum, it is the only method to keep search by user usefull.
Of course I kow vb is not free but I say to myself it is a really convenient option.

Thank you for your interest,


Here is my last suggestion (sorry wink).
Imagine you want to list all my posts : how will you do ?
Click username, go to see all messages from me, true ?
Then, imagine I have posted, say, messages in very active topics, with a lot of pages.
You see what I mean : in fact it isn' easy to get all the messages from some determined user.

I suggest - don't know how difficult it would be to implement - sort of filter : get the list of topics where the user has partcipated, ok, but instead of listing all the posts (I don't want all the posts of the topic), just give the message(s) of the user for the topic ; kind of selected message.

What do you think about it ?
Have a test : searching all message from somebody isn't convenient.


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Thanks Scottywz for replying,

In fact, I have put the disturbing code on the post, view and index pages ; so there is no more confusion with the preview page as it used to be when the code was in the template.
I know it was a trivial question, but I like my box smile
About 1.2.5 : yes, I will upgrade (I'm interested in the great wiki addon) ; but I'm afraid of upgrading the day before the new release big_smile (Did somebody ask a medium for the new release ? I would like to know in what range of time it is expected to be public : one month, one year ? Just a question wink)

Hello all,

I would like to put a tool-box at the top of my forum : sort of well-known multi-search engine box (I will list dictionaries and other linguistic tools in that box ; so it will be quick and easy to access reference sites).

I got the script there (http://www.mediacollege.com/internet/ja … earch.html) : I
copy paste the code in the main.tpl template ; it works fine and I like it, but a problem with the preview button of the post.php page of my forum has appeared.

When I click preview, the message is posted, not previewed as expected.
I'm sure there is a problem with the javascript of the preview function and the javascript of the multisearch engine I would like to have.

(please note I'm using the 1.1.5 where the preview was a mod).

Do you have some suggestions ?



(16 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

No way to make unique cookie and to connect it to the database ?
I don't understand : when the script sent the ban-cookie, say it writes something on to identify his owner ; the next time the cookied guy come back, the script reads the ban-cookie and reads the database t see if the ban is still active. Other simple solution would be to limit the life of the cookie (time validity) : say, ban for a month, a week, or something else. No ?
(I have to go ; be back that night)


(16 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

1/ there is such a cokie
2/ the script identifies the cookie
3/ the script asks the database to see if the ban is effective at this time or if it has been suppressed, deleted...
4/ the ban is effective : banned / the ban is deleted : delete cookie
I'm not a programer smile


(16 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Here there is my little problem : I want to ban/exclude one guest.
Ok, first I ban his usual name (hope it is case insentive), second I ban his IP. I'm protected for this day smile
Of course, the day after, when his IP has changed, he comes back.
Reban his new IP smile and so on.

What I suggested in this post is : imagine I ban the IP number xxxx ; the ip owner (guest) comes back and is recognized : he can't do anything that day.
What I suggest is : as soon as he is recognized, first sent a ban-cookie for having another level of protection. I suppose it is not very difficult to do. So, when he comes back, with another IP, he will be identified as banned, whereas is IP has changed.
Do you see what I mean ? I would like the program to be more active in case of banning.

Of course I know cookie are not the ultimate solution, but IP?, but it is annoying to delete them.

What do you think about it ? Really useless ?
I remember I was banned from a forum - not this one, pfff - and I remember I was sent a cookie ; of course I deleted it, but just one time smile


Thanks Rickard for replying,

In fact, what I would like is to avoid some posts being published without first approval.
I don't think censor words is an efficient way of censoring (who is using it? I may be wrong) (but it may be a cool feature for automating links for exemple) to keep forum cool when there are problems (flames?) though I think a pre-moderation for posts where some special words are included may be usefull.
It may work for rude words, spam, with good keywords.
I mean an automated feature should be nice (not sure, should be discussed, depending on the difficulty, and so on ; it is no more than a suggestion) : why not using the censor words script to pre-moderate some posts ? Or, in other words, why not improving the censor words tool : not replace words but pre-moderate (sort of report) post, especially against guest ?


Sorry, I see I don't answer you smile
No, I don't want to block guests or anything like else

Hello all,

Here is what I mean : not exactly a censor words script (that just replaces words with other words) but a sort of trap : when someone (especially guest) uses some forbidden word, then the post has first to be accepted by admin ou moderator to be published.
Its purpose would be to protect the forum from spam and banned people.

(My problem is that I'm in trouble with a former guest I have to ban day after day (see my former post about ban).)



(16 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Hello Connorhd,

IP is not the "fatal weapon" neither smile
Of course one can delete cookie, but one can also change its ip, (or maybe use proxy, anonymizer) and so on.

What I understand in fact is that the protection is better against banned member :
When I ban a member, he will have to delete his cookie to come back, agree ? No way to avoid this step, ok ?
But, if i ban a guest, I'm limited to the IP/username/email : if he uses non static one, I will have to ban him day after day (each time his IP changes).
With the help of a cookie, he will need to delete this cookie first : it's a one more step. Yes, I agree, it is easy to do but it's annoying.

Thanks for your interest,


(16 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

And guests never have cookie ?