A few nights ago, my PSP was connecting to my PC fine. Last night, I connected it, enabled USB mode on my PSP, and nothing happened PC wise..

I've tried a few simple things, but nothing has worked so far.

Things I know:

1) This is a problem with Windows. I have successfully connected my PSP to two other computers and it worked perfectly.

2) This is not a problem with my mobo. I connected my webcam to the same USB port I use for my PSP, and it started up fine.

3) The cable is not shot. This was one of my first thoughts, but see #1.

This isn't a HUGE problem, but it is still a problem.
I can still use PSP FTP to copy over programs, but the memory stick often corrupts, making it impossible to get PSP FTP back on after formatting.

Anyone have an idea?

PS. Yes, I have Googled this a lot.

PSS. This is not a PSP specific question, but more why the hell windows sucks so much.

If you are going to make a shop mod, please wait for me to release my cash mod, it will make things easier for us all wink

It's more like fake money, but it can be used for things like my free hosting (http://post4hosting.com/) or sites that pay you to post (http://cashposting.com/).

I'm up to writting the cash mod, as I told you in IRC.
I'll stay up as late as I can, and should be able to get a working mod in a few days..

Connor, you suck..
Anyway, I made the old mod, and I can try to make it work on the new version (I think there was too much of a change between dev2 and beta for it to work), but I already have a lot I need to do.

I may have it up in a few days..

Edit: Smartys is going to steal my mod, I will update it! tongue

Well, giving the other programs time shouldn't be a problem. There is code to make it the lowest priority process already...

Now maybe you could give me WORKING code tongue
I don't know much about C++, let alone threads..

Also, I found a few files on my HDD called stdafx.h, but none of them worked and let this program compile.
I will upload the entire source code soon...

Okay, first time I have actually asked for help on this project, and I will probably find the answer in a few minutes, but oh well..

I am converting the program Rainbow Crack to use a Windows GUI, and have it mostly working, but there is one problem I am having.
When I am in the for loop that generates all of the hashes, I need it to check to see if there are any new messages. If I don't do this, then a user cannot press any buttons (stop, pause, etc.), and it causes Windows to list the program as unresponsive.

I tried using

if (GetMessage(&Msg, NULL, 0, 0) > 0) {

I tried this, but I assume that TranslateMessage or DispatchMessage is exiting the huge for loop that I need it to stay in, so when I run it, the table file is made, and then it just stops the for loop (the file stays at 0kb).

If you don't know what Rainbow Crack is, just pretend this is a program that is in a huge for loop, and makes a file bigger every second tongue

There is also http://dodgeit.com/
You can only receive mail, but you don't have to sign up or anything. Just go there and type in the email address


(33 replies, posted in Programming)

yeah, but if you haven't noticed, a lot of people still use SP1 wink

almost_there wrote:

Now I can stop asking people for a g-mail invite tongue

Gmail is still much much better then Yahoo.
Yahoo sticks those footers in your email.

I was using the WordPress feature to post by an email using my yahoo account, and look how it turned out: http://gary13579.info/2005/06/04/ninten … ree-games/


(33 replies, posted in Programming)

Actually, it is possible to open a new window when one is closed in IE.
I don't know the Javascript, and it doesn't work in FireFox (thank god), but it could be set up to re-open the window until the user clicks all of the links.

Another thing you could do is force the window to be full screen, and only minimize it when all the links have been clicked (another IE only thing that I do not know the code for).


(26 replies, posted in General discussion)

I post at a few big forums, and there are a lot of dumb***es..

A while ago someone start spamming like hell, till the admin shut down the forums.


(11 replies, posted in General discussion)

I like them where they are right now. It's not the best place to put them, as they should be above the fold..

*click, click, click, click, click, click* wink


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

Sorry if this was posted before, but someone posted a screenshot where there was the same user online twice. The person who took it was that user, if it helps at all.

Here is the screenshot.

Forums are here: http://se7enet.com/forums

It looks great, like everything I have seen you do smile

There is one problem that I have with it. I see a little Red and White box in the top right hand corner.. I can barely make out the words.... "Oper.."
Oh no!
*closes the window*

Really, it looks great smile


(2 replies, posted in Programming)

I'm pretty sure that is not the problem. If I remember correctly, sessions are only availible to the domain that set them, as they are stored on the actual server.
If you wanted to use a cookie approach, I think this is possible.

Yeah, I read about this on AOTS. I think it is totally pointless.. This affects those who get their music legally, meaning they will have to pay for songs long after they rightfully own them. People would stop buying MP3 players, and start going back to CD players. I don't want that to happen sad


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)

http://www.mozdex.com/ < Open source search engine

Otherwise, just build one. How hard can it be to make a directory in PHP?


(36 replies, posted in General discussion)

Well, my host for Indocron doesn't allow IRC scripts, so it doesn't work on there. But 1 out of 2 of my hosts do allow it tongue. The problem is that every user in it requires their own connection, which ties up the server sad

Well, it works, and that is what I wanted big_smile

Thanks a lot, Paul smile

Edit: Oh, I see how this works (I think). It makes the background of the image the color it should be? Not the best way IMHO, but it still works smile


(36 replies, posted in General discussion)

See, I am not the only one wanting it tongue

I don't think there are any good PHP ones, as you must install it seperatly on the server..
I did find a good CGI one, which you can find here

Yes, that is how I tell my IE users to login/register, but its still a thing that should be fixed sad

If anyone knows another way to acheive what I am trying to do, please post saying so.

Ohh, it is transparent, not invisible. I can't change the title.. Anyway, IE still doesnt work.

First, here is my page: http://indocron.net/. If you are using IE, try clicking on the login input boxes or submit buttons. It does nothing. In FireFox is works fine.

I traced the problem down to the 'background-color: invisible;' line. If you take that out, then it shows the input box fine. The problem is that I need the input boxes to be invisible, but you to be able to type in them.

Can anyone that is good with CSS help me?

If only everyone used FireFox hmm

(Subject title edited by Paul)