(1 replies, posted in General discussion)

I was shocked when I couldnt find anyone thats posted about it here.

I saw it on The Screen Savers a while back, and didnt think much of it (as they said it didnt work yet).

But, if you go to their site (http://ipodlinux.org/), it works, and is availible for download smile

Just another reason to get an iPod....

Please, if you are going to rewrite this mod, fix it.
Learn what register_globals is, and code like its OFF.

Kevin Rose wrote:

**EXCLUSIVE** This is an exclusive you will not see anywhere else. As many of you know, yesterday Paris Hilton?s T-Mobile address book was stolen and posted online. But what you don?t know is, shortly thereafter a hacker gained access to both Paris? and Vin?s private saved voicemail messages. I was contacted anonymously and shown proof of the hacker?s ability to access these private saved voicemails.

The hack is a simple one that I duplicated easily. If you have Sprint or T-Mobile and have auto voicemail login enabled, you are vulnerable to this type of attack. I have auto voicemail login enabled because I hate entering my voicemail PIN number each time I want to check my messages.

The voicemail authentication system is simple. It uses caller ID to validate the originating number ? if the caller ID matches your cell phone number (ie. your cell phone calling in to check your voicemail messages), it will log you in automatically.

This system has worked great for the last few years. Well, that is until the advent of commercial caller ID spoofing systems such as CovertCall and Telespoof. For those not in-the-know, caller ID spoofing allows you to change your caller ID number to anything you like. To hack myself, I simply logged into CovertCall and placed a spoofed call to my cell phone. The spoofed call was to my cell phone, from my cell phone, forwarded to a pay phone. Sprint (my provider) thought I was calling from my cell, and automatically logged me in (even though I was performing this from a pay phone down the street).

As you can see, the hacker used the same method to access Paris Hilton?s and Vin Diesel?s private voicemails.  CovertCall offers free call recording, so the hacker was also able to save the voicemails to disk (I wouldn?t have believed it, had I not heard them myself).  From what they tell me, of the entire list only those two accounts used the auto login method.  NOTE: This article is for informational purposes only - accessing someone?s voicemail without their consent is highly illegal.


Wonder what Sprint and T-Mobile will do due to this smile



(10 replies, posted in Programming)

Example PHP code wrote:

echo "
<title>Page title</title>
Page body


HTML equivalant wrote:

<title>Page title</title>
Page body


(9 replies, posted in General discussion)

If your going to add more then one links, it would be

x = <a href="file.ext">Link</a>
x = <a href="file2.ext">Link 2</a>

Where x is the spot where you want to put it.
If you want it before Index, use 0. If you want it after Index, use 1 (and so on)


(9 replies, posted in General discussion)

Go into admin options.
add '1 = <a href="index.php">Testing</a>' (without the quotes), and tell us what happens.


(72 replies, posted in General discussion)

Rickard wrote:

Sander D: Get Firefox ribbon.

Awesome big_smile
Added to my game.


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

Not exactley a 'bug', but its quite annoying.

I posted a reply using the

tag, and the first line withen the quote is a URL. It wouldnt turn the URL into a link, because it was right next to the quote tag.
I tried editing it, and it just moves the URL right back to the top (after trying to add spaces and a new line).

In the end I just added '123' to the top, but it is annoying hmm

That doesnt work tongue


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

Haha, i dont think ill stop laughing at this for a while big_smile

Its fixed in 1.2.1?
Im using 1.2.1 hmm

Add them multiple times smile


Could you give us more info, like what error is occruing?
I think you might have to enable debug mode to see the SQL error, but im not possitive

http://forums.indocron.net/calendar.php … &day=1

Notice: Undefined variable: avatar in /home/indocron/public_html/forums/calendar.php on line 471


I totally agree that everyone should speak one language. The problem with that is, which one?

If its not English, there is no way anyone in US would learn spanish or swedish, or any other language. We would keep on speaking English.
Its the same with almost any other country

Ohh, I didnt see your post after my first one.

Dont feel bad, I tear stuff apart just to see what happens smile
A normal user wouldnt want to make an event on a day that doesnt exist.

Edit: Oh no, whats this? It needs register_globals to be on?
Instead of using

if(empty($t)&& empty($action))


if (empty($_GET['t']) && empty($_GET['action']))

Do the same for all the other times you use $t and $action.

Editing a post anymore times is just wrong...

When Im adding an event, I think something is wrong with the HTML.
Event title i can type in fine. I move to the month. I select 'March'.
Then I move to date. I click to open the menu, and i release the button, and it closes the list (almost Mac > 9) and selects the Month list again.

I also cant type in the year for the same reason

Edit: odd, I get this error when trying to add an event for Febuaray 31st wink

Notice: Undefined index: 31 in /home/indocron/public_html/forums/calendar.php on line 49

It lists it as March 3rd big_smile

Edit: You need to allow us to delete events

An error was encountered
File: /home/indocron/public_html/forums/install_mod.php
Line: 26

PunBB reported: Unable to add column "birthday" to table "users"

Database reported: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '-0-0' at line 1 (Errno: 1064)



    $db->query("ALTER TABLE ".$db->prefix."users ADD birthday varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0-0-0") or error('Unable to add column "birthday" to table "users"', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());

Should be

    $db->query("ALTER TABLE ".$db->prefix."users ADD birthday varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0-0-0'") or error('Unable to add column "birthday" to table "users"', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());

Else it will parse it as 0 minus 0 minus 0, which just makes no sense smile


    $db->query("CREATE TABLE punn_calendar (id int(100) NOT NULL auto_increment, date date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00', title varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', body text NOT NULL, user_id int(100) NOT NULL default '0', UNIQUE KEY id (id))") or error('Unable to add table "calendar"', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());

Should be

    $db->query("CREATE TABLE ".$db->prefix."calendar (id int(100) NOT NULL auto_increment, date date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00', title varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', body text NOT NULL, user_id int(100) NOT NULL default '0', UNIQUE KEY id (id))") or error('Unable to add table "calendar"', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());

Lol, thats great...

Guess i wont be installing it tonight sad


(48 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Wasnt it an option in the user settings to choose weather to open a link in a new window or not?


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

khalido wrote:

I'm using IPB 2.0 and I want to 'upgrade' it to PunBB.

I love how you said 'upgrade' big_smile

What exactley does this mean for those of us that dont understand this article?

Uhh.. Isnt this old?

Ive used serials.ws for a long time, so it cant be new hmm

Dont hide the table names, we might need to see those to understand where the problem is occuring wink

BTW, this looks fricken sweet, Im going to install it tonight.

Great job smile


(48 replies, posted in Feature requests)

This would be awesome if someone could do it.
It was taken out because it isnt XHTML compatible.

You could make a javascript script that would open it in a new window, and I think I might do that, when I get home

For right now just do Shift + Click wink


(21 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

I see it as pointless.
I was acctually pretty happy that it wasnt in PunBB.

1) If a parent raised a kid like they should have, they wouldnt give out any private info.
2) If the user is under 13, whats stopping him/her from pressing that they are over 13?
3) I would not like to be getting any faxes, or even giving out MY address.

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