
(39 replies, posted in General discussion)

Paul wrote:

Don't forget to look at the extensions. The web developer extension is great; it allows you to highlight table and box level elements and will even show you labels with the classes used. Great for finding out where you went wrong or how a page is constructed.

Cool! I've never tried that one out.


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

You can either add it before/after <pun_navlinks> in the template file main.tpl in include/template/ or you can add it manually to the function generate_navlinks() in include/functions.php. If you don't know any PHP, I recommend the first method.

This has happened before. Dreamweaver does something strange to the file. Could you perhaps show us the modified main.tpl?


(18 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

The hdiff's aren't patches, they are visual representations of the differences between two versions. If you want to patch, you should use the patch-files.


(12 replies, posted in Programming)

The manual is quite misleading about mysql_fetch_array vs. mysql_fetch_row. What they actually mean is that returning database results as an array with string index is not significantly slower than returning them as an array with numeric index. However, they fail to mention the fact that mysql_fetch_array() almost always does unnessecary work. People use mysql_fetch_array(), but utilize only the numeric OR the string indexes, not both.

I also use mysql_fetch_assoc() quite frequently. I use list=fetch_row only when I feel I want to get the result back as individual variables instead of an array.

mysql_fetch_array($res, MYSQL_NUM) is equivalent to mysql_fetch_row($res)
mysql_fetch_array($res, MYSQL_ASSOC) is equivalent to mysql_fetch_assoc($res)
mysql_fetch_array($res) is equivalent to array_merge(mysql_fetch_row($res), mysql_fetch_assoc($res))

I hightly doubt fetch_row and fetch_assoc will be deprecated (at least not anytime soon). Their use is too widely spread.

schmoboy: The text "Pages: 1 2 3" etc is supposed to look differently from the text "Message".

Paul: I see what you mean. I'll have a look at it tomorrow. I'm a bit too drunk to touch the code right now :D

It's not a problem with MySQL. For some reason, PHP doesn't have permissions to include the script include/dblayer/mysql.php. Try chmodding the files in that directory to 777.


(18 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

johni wrote:

shouldent it be mutch esier to let the patch file, patch the already existing punbb forum? so that you dont need the full installation source code.

I'm sorry, but I have no idea what you just said.


(12 replies, posted in Programming)

fetch_array() is a bit slower and consumes more memory than fetch_row() and fetch_assoc(). Especially when working with larger arrays.

Nope, no idea. What happens exactly?


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Ok, thanks. I'll do some testing.

Could you perhaps tell me when he got the message "Bad request"? Was it when clicking the "Post reply" link or somewhere else?

Well, then it's a problem with your browser or you have incorrect settings for cookie_domain and/or cookie_path in your config.php.


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Cool! I like it :)

Yes, that is weird. Try removing all your cookies or something.


(18 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Paul wrote:

Third, if you have a long list of killed posters won't the resulting db query get rather long and, consequently, slow.

I don't think the lenght of the queries will be an issue. The implementation itself is much more problematic. The way it's done in vBulletin is very ugly.

tekenen wrote:

USENET would be such a forum. I cannot imagine any USENET reader that would become popular which didn't have it. You could probably post a message to one of the USENET newuser groups and get more opinions on how popular a feature it is.

Yes, I'm sure it's widely used on USENET. However, we're talking about web-based discussion boards here. I was asking if someone know of a vBulletin forum in which the feature was used frequently.

tekenen wrote:

Unforunately, I am not aware of any other web-based forum that has such a feature. However, I do know that phpBB2 is planning to add it in their next release and I cannot recall which one it is at the moment, but there is another one as well who is planning to add the feature in its next release.

vBulletin has had the feature for quite some time. However, it appears the feature is rarely used if one of Swedens largest forums can be used as a benchmark.


(18 replies, posted in Feature requests)

I'm not saying PunBB won't have this feature, I just want you to see it from my point of view. Whenever someone requests a feature, that particular feature is something they really want PunBB to have. Some will even go to such lengths as to call it a "required" feature. My job in this is to try to determine what features I should implement and what features I should leave out. That task is turning out to be much more difficult than what I had expected. I don't want to let you guys down by not fulfulling your requests, but I must also prevent PunBB from becoming the next vBulletin. Some might say: - But it's just one simple feature? Yes, but what happens when I implement 100 simple features?

This feature for instance. When I first saw the topic, I ran a query (SELECT COUNT(userid) FROM user WHERE ignorelist != '') against the forum database at http://forum.sweclockers.com/ where I "work", and it turns out only 25 users out of 34079 has someone on their ignore list. What this tells me is that the feature is hardly ever used and a feature that is hardly ever used and is nothing more than a "comfort feature" shouldn't be in PunBB.

If anyone can show me a forum where it is frequently used, I might change my mind.


(18 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Yeah, that's what I thought. I'm not sure. This is the first time the feature has been requested.


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

You said you added 2 custom BBCodes?

Could you post the $pattern and replace $replace arrays? I mean the source code for them.


(18 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

No difference at all. The commercially licensed version will be identical to the GPL version. The only difference between them will be the license.


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Yeah, block IP and if that doesn't help, send an e-mail to abuse@their_IPS with all the info you can dig up on them (IP addresses and times).


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

I mean the source code. The additions to the code you did to add the new BBCodes.


(18 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Now that I read your first post again, I'm not sure I understand. Do you mean ignore posts from a specific user? You said "other users".


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

The error message means there's something wrong with your regex patterns. Could you post them as well?


(18 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Nope, PunBB does not have such a feature.


(17 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

If you want to ban yourself, I think you should be allowed to do that :D